Share your Covid Vaccination Experience Here

And people not noting everyday minor aches and pains until they’re looking for something.


spurious correlations, for sure.

Yes, that is a problem.

But…Wouldn’t the vaccine company have had the same problem when they asked for feedback about side effects?

Or…everyone on forumosa/in Taiwan is a hypochondriac/ complainer?

I think it’s because the age of people that have been vaxxed on her skews younger than the trial groups. In the trials the younger age groups all experienced much larger amount of symptoms.

I imagine the trials filtered some of this out (I had a 37.1 fever! :slight_smile: and, uh, yea, this forum seems to complain a bit more than basically every other fusion I read. :wink: But seriously, if you take a look at the frequency of mild to moderate complaints for things like fatigue and headache in the trials, you’ll see that’s also relatively high.

A Slate piece I linked to somewhere went into this a little about COVID itself. For illness, what normal people mean by “mild” isn’t what medical staff mean by “mild”. “Mild” Covid basically means you don’t feel it’s necessary to go to the hospital: i.e. “God, I felt like shit and was in bed for five days, but never felt I needed to call an ambulance” = mild.

So maybe that’s part of what’s going on, just vocabulary differences. Maybe in their records “mild” side-effects = floored for a few days. The headaches and dizziness most of us are feeling perhaps don’t even rate.


Mild or not, I’m just glad that’s behind me. Also, the whole waiting process was kind of annoying for someone as impatient as myself.


Eh … don’t get your hopes up. There’s a decent likelihood we’ll need a 3rd shot, and more after that.

But not something to worry about for a while yet.

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Just got mine first AZ. It’s outdoors, but since it’s still in the morning and there’s shade, it isn’t too hot. The process went smoothly, it was all very quick. Each stop took no longer than 10 seconds. The jab was fine. It isn’t nothing, but barely a sting. I’m waiting for my 15 minutes, and already I get a slight burning sensation on the jabbed area.


Actually, it was getting pretty hot there around 9:30. All those doctors, nurses, and volunteers have to be there the whole day, and day in and day out. It’s a pretty tough job.


48 hours later, the low-level hangover is gone and i’m right as rain


Just got my first round of AZ. My wife did the sign up so no idea about any of that, but it was at the NCCU Clinic and everything was indoors. The appointment was for 8:30-9:30am and I arrived just after 8:30. There were five people waiting outside when I passed to park the scooter. Did the usual check-in and paper work, was given an assigned socially distanced seat (6), and then waited for 45min. By this time I’d say about 12 of 20 or so seats were occupied. They came around with a cart and quickly jabbed everyone. I guess we were waiting for the doctor to arrive which was mildly annoying.

So 5 minutes pass and I start to feel really really strange. Light headed, sweaty palms, nauseous, elevated heart rate…really felt like I might pass out. This came and went in waves every couple of minutes for the next 15 minutes or so, but each one got less severe. I was watching my HR on my Fitbit go from 60ish to 90ish pretty rapidly with each wave… really bizarre feeling. After 35 minutes things felt better so I left and now just feel a bit lethargic. I’m guessing I’ll feel terrible later but we’ll see.

Next time I’ll try to get the second round appointment at 9:30 as those folks didn’t need to sit and wait so long, their jabs were administered within 5 minutes of finishing the paperwork.


First time, I think, that someone here experienced that kind of reaction right after the jab. Interesting.

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Yeah, I arrived 15min. into the session, and lots of people had already finished the procedure. I assume they all had waited in line for like 30 minutes, while I almost didn’t have to wait at all.

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I haven’t read this whole thread but yeah, I had one friend say she got light headed immediately afterwards, but everyone else has been the typical flu like symptoms 12 or so hours after.

I was very close to getting the nurse, a bit frightened to be honest. Everyone else left after 15 minutes…I stayed nearly 45 to be sure…the nurse did eventually check on me and bring me some water.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Questions and Answers about how to get the Coronavirus Vaccine

Arms heavy? Mom’s spaghetti? :wink:

Hope you’re ok!

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Ha, I had to Google that, sounded familiar but couldn’t place it.

Feeling ok actually, slept through the night and just feel a little achy. Shoulder is a bit sore…felt a bit low yesterday but perhaps I’ll avoid any severe flu-like stuff… knock on wood.

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I got my AZ last morning. Aside from some muscle soreness I was mostly fine yesterday, even well into the night. When I woke up today I felt like crap. Pulsating headache, my whole body felt sore, and I have a slight fever.

Still doing better than my wife when she got her second Moderna jab I think.


Ok, no longer just a low fever… I’m over 38.1 now. Thinking about taking that tylenol