Shooting at a Taiwanese church group in Orange County, California, USA (Hate Crime)

See? I was right. People need to stop being naive about separating the Chinese people and the Chinese government.


My original guess for motive was this. I mean, lunar eclipse + older end-of-days religious fanatic. Well, still a fanatic, but for political reasons I guess.

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Taiwanese media says the perpetrator’s Chinese name is 周文偉. He is a board member of Las Vegas’ “Association for China Unification” or whatever they call it in English. He is an avid Han Kouyu (Korea Fish) supporter.

All the way back in the 90s, Taiwan’s so called “Patriot Alliance Association” made a list online of targets who support Taiwanese Independence to kill when Taiwan is unified. This Chou guy is just jumping the gun in America.


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: USA and gun control

No, everyone is an individual, Chinese, Russian or where ever, most people just do ordinary things, doing similar things to people everywhere else, caring for family, going to work, dealing with everyday hassles much like everyone else.

The argument, this Chinese person did something bad therefore all Chinese are bad, is one of the weakest arguments of all time.

Look a Republican did something or said something wrong, all Republicans must be the same, or look what this British guy did, British people must be the same. It’s a ridiculous argument and dehumanizing as well.

It’s a quick easy way to portray groups you disagree with in a negative light, anyone can do that, to any group.


I agree with Mick.

The problem is not Chinese people. The real problem is Chinese nationalism, which in its contemporary forms is among the most dangerous things facing all of us who live in or love Taiwan.



What you’ve said is only true to the extend of not having organized hate groups advocating for violence.

Once your country or ethnicity has such a hate group, be it the government itself, the military, something foolish and amateurish equal to that of the KKK, like the Patriot Alliance Association or Association for China Unification, then silence and inaction turn us into one of the silent assailants.

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This is the new mantra coming from the progressives, “silence is violence”. Hard pass on that one.

Example a Russian tennis player, “you need to denounce Putin and the Russian invasion of Ukraine or we won’t let you play”.

Sounds way to close to the Communist Chinese struggle sessions to me where people were humiliated and forced to denounce others. Guy plays tennis, has nothing to do with Putin or his war or politics.


I won’t bother explaining myself again.

The US needs to declare these Chinese organisations terrorists and deport them.

DPP also should use this opportunity to purge PRC sympathisers in Taiwan.


What would that be? I have 2 neighbors who are elderly but are originally from China, used to go over and visit relatives (before coronavirus) and don’t hate the place, why would they, they are born there, but like Taiwan too. They live here after all and their children are all Taiwanese.

Nice people, get along well with everyone including the deep green supporters in the same neighborhood.

People get along as individuals, when you look at people as individuals. What would you do? Deport them because they don’t hate China enough? Because they are not conforming to your wish that everyone here needs to denounce China?

what would you do, have a struggle session like they did in Communist China, parade them around the neighborhood? Put signs around their necks for people to mock? Make them denounce the place where they are born and affirm how evil the communist regime is?


There’s nothing new about that one.

Are you also against suspending pro-Putin athletes’ they voiced support for the invasion of Ukraine?

It’s pretty obvious PRC sympathizers @Gain is referring to isn’t every Late immigrant. If someone in Taiwan really endorses armed PRC invasion of Taiwan, how well do they really get along with their deep green neighbors beyond maintaining surface formalities?


Im of the opinion athletes should stay out of politics and everyone else shouldn’t drag politics into sport, that’s about it.

What’s a hockey match got to do with politics, or table tennis or swimming? Nothing.

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In that case why can’t Taiwan compete in the Olympics using the name Taiwan?

Also, why shouldn’t politics also stay out of WHO and the WHA? Does a virus stop at the border because a place doesn’t conform to the one China policy?


They compete under Russian flag. They deserve to be banned. If they want to play then give up their terrorist state nationality.

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You know the answer to this, is Taiwan a part of the UN?

I never brought up the WHO or the WHA, I was talking about individual tennis players and people playing ping pong. Politicians do what politicians always do, politics, in the WHO and WHA.


What does the Olympics has to do with the UN? Switzerland wasn’t a member in the UN prior to 2002, I didn’t see them forced to put the Olympic rings on a fake flag when they competed.

Sporting event have always been political.


So sad, the Doctor a good guy helping his mother dies. Meanwhile the bad guy plans drives 400km to do bad things, how sad. Some info on the doc. Good guy dies, bad man lives (though he may get death penalty)
[California church shooting victim hailed a hero: ‘He sacrificed himself so others could live’ (]


Alright @hansioux if you want to bring politics into anything and everything force people into struggle sessions and conform to your dictates that’s up to you.

I’ll see people as individuals and how I think about them will be determined by the words and actions, not where they are born, the color of the skin or any other innate quality they may have.

But you do you. We can agree to disagree on this.

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I don’t think we disagree on those points. We only disagree when these people are in a hate group and they commit the violence their hate groups have always touted they would do. At that point it goes beyond an individual’s decision.