Show Your Age with a Video Game

I’m sure I still could remember the TD pattern.

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The trouble on that one was finding a machine with working joysticks.


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Astro Warrior on the Sega Master System?

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I know why. Because it’s the best! 1 is too basic. No super dash, no Tails, and the graphics and level design aren’t as good. 3 is fun, but almost TOO much. It lacks a bit of the simple charm of 2.

For me, I’d rank them 2, 3, 1, Sonic & Knuckles.

Never played the Sega CD game, and I don’t count any 3D Sonic game that came out after the mid 90s. To me, that stuff isn’t Sonic.

Has nobody posted a picture of that tennis game?

You mean Pong? That was somewhere upthread.

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Oh yeah, memory goes.

The first one I remember playing was Atari Enduro:

But the most memorable one was “Escape from Monkey Island”:


My first game:

Edit:this pic is way better than it was, must be one of many remakes


Scroll jank too. Look through 10 or 12, jump back 20, look down another 10, jump back 30, give up and just go straight to the bottom, skipping anywhere between 5% and 80% of the thread.


They might be dead by now.

I bet no one will even remember this even though it was like a decade ahead of its time. Everyone talks about Zelda and Final Fantasy when discussing classic RPGs, but imo Phantasy Star was better than both.


This was my first video game, to be honest that still about my skill level


Ah, Xevious! Loved that one.


Loved it!

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They don’t make PC games like Captain Keen anymore. :disappointed:


This may be the first one that had my parents emphasizing how I was spending too much time on games:

Lots of Space Invaders and Asteroids on a friend’s Atari before that, though. We never had a gaming system at home (except a Pong set!), so I didn’t put in many hours on games until we had a home computer.

Oh, and I think even before Bard’s Tale?:


In the early '90s, my brother and I pleaded with our parents to get us a console, but my dad was reluctant. Eventually, he met us in the middle and bought us a home computer, the Commodore 64, thinking it would be more constructive. This was while the C64 was on its last legs and was being phased out for the Amiga. So, while some of our playground chums were still riding high on the NES or moving on to the newer, far cooler, Mega Drive (“Genesis” to you Americans), my brother and I were waiting up to half an hour(!) to load primitive games off cassette tapes:


But my brother and I didn’t feel behind. For us, the C64 was like a hidden world that none of the other kids our age knew about with an enormous library of amazing games, such as the Dizzy series (below), that cost next to nothing and were readily available from car boot sales and second-hand shops everywhere:


Although, when it came to the C64’s shoddy Street Fighter II port, it was very clear that us C64 gamers were truly to be pitied:


I think our dad took pity on us, because eventually he bought us a Mega Drive as a surprise.


I thought Phantasy Star was famous.

Though I really fell in love with another Sega RPG. Skies of Arcadia. That IP needs way more love.