Since when did a 6'2" height become average?

That’s why I said it’s only helpful if you’re going to adjust to new information. Not stick by the generalization.

I would say fundamental communication style is basic stuff. And it’s actually common behavior to throw feces believe or not. Prisons and mental institutions all have this issue when people are left to more basic selves.

So we should only generalize if they’re positive? What is negative about communication styles. Plenty of personality attributes men exhibited more commonly can be perceived as negative or positive.

I know what you’re thinking. That the structure set up aka the patriarchy coined by feminism today is what makes the differences we see. But it’s more clear that the structure is the way it is because it naturally developed into that. As I’ve said, behavioral differences can be seen infants before any outside influences.

Have you considered you ladies are outliers. Perhaps by the mere fact you’re the only few active female posters. I’ve explained that there is a large bell curve of each personality trait. Just because on average let’s say women are generally more agreeable compared to men. Does not mean all women are agreeable, there will be plenty of not agreeable one. And so on for every other thing.

There’s no need for any of that. I (usually) don’t go low unless the other person goes there. It’s an interesting topic and people have been interested in the subject of nature vs nurture and the differences between men and women.

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