Singapore executes man for trafficking 2.2 lbs of weed

The push for it! the biggest problem with millenials is they tend to need ego boosts from peers. rather than speaking truths and accepting criticism, or even evolving their perspective. perhaps all groups are the same. kinda makes the term millenial useless because culture plays a far surer role in development than the calendar year one was born in. millenial is just afin thing to say because people now are spoiled and this has led to a greater global entitlement and laziness. but old farts are equally so, so it seems more logical to judge the present time rather than birth times/places.

They are trialling Kappa Opioid Receptor antagonists for depression.

I know they use ultra low dose Buprenorphine for treatment-resistant depression in many countries.

I don’t condone, personally.

They have shown promising trials of Naltrexone for long covid and CFS/MECFS. It is believed to be this KOR and potent anti-inflammatory effect which shows efficacy.

Opioids come in all sorts. I think they are on to something by developing KOR antagonists without any narcotic effect for depression.

I suppose my point being that lumping all drugs as bad mm’kay is unintelligent.

They are simply a technology.

No one hear of ALKS-5461? I guess I killed the thread then.

These are exciting times for depression treatment options.

Psilocybin, Ketamine, rTMS etc. A resurgence in many of the classic hallucinogens.

CBD as a potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,antiproliferant etc.

Psilocybin being the impetus for BDNF induced neurogenesis, whilst resetting the default mode network of the depressed brain.

Ketamine being a literal anti-suicide drug. It halts addiction. It also gets those synapses firing and wiring in healthy ways.

The point being that any of these would see your head taken off in SG. It’s time society grows up.

24 posts were split to a new topic: Benzos in Taiwan

Well you have been proven wrong…

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Yup, that is what many of us are saying. It is what basic logic is saying. But there still exists those that believe the narrative that it’s all black or white and if the government says no, off with their heads. Few examples of such extremism exist in todays world. But they do indeed still exist :frowning:

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Singaporean national Saridewi Djamani was sentenced to the mandatory death penalty in 2018, after she was found guilty of possession of about 30g of heroin for the purposes of trafficking.

Mohd Aziz bin Hussain, a 56-year-old Singaporean Malay man, will be executed on Wednesday. He was sentenced to death in 2018 after being found guilty of trafficking approximately 50g of heroin.