So...Greta Thunberg is being manipulated?

Did you get that from an opinion piece in the WSJ? Internet = a federal grant, public investment which is not throwing money. Research grants actually take some work to get.

Humans will eventually cope is your argument, technology will find a way. Well given enough time then market forces will solve all problems. I don’t really want to wait that long. Market forces ain’t gonna cut it. NASA went to the moon in what 7-8 years? Space-X was founded 17 years ago.

It’s really not a hard concept to grasp. If the goal is to attain an end state where profit is not attainable in the short term, or let’s say a positive net present value over the life of the project, then public intervention to manipulate market forces is the only alternative. Until there is an innovation that can be commoditized for a large enough base of consumers to sustain a profit, then public funding is also necessary. After all, the iPhone is just a repackaging of existing innovations.

Necessity, not profit, is the mother of all inventions.


Shouldn´t she be at school? Just a question… we are in the middle of a school year.
Is she manipulated? Of course she is, she´s just a kid actress and her speeches are made by others. Isn´t it obvious? Gee…

It was your dream after all. :grinning:

Even Spock was on board:

Facts! Logic! Fanservice!

I like the idea of working for change and not simply demanding it.

Although I bet the demandy kid will be richer than all my life’s earnings combined by end of next year.

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Yeah but I suspect it will be short-lived and then what does she do? Go for a career in politics? Good luck Sweden, was nice knowing you!


She was groomed for celebrity activism. It’s a new thing to do to one’s children.

She’s too emo for school.

Yeah, that’s what I see as well…sadly.

“I’m just an activist and we need more activists,” the 16-year-old said. “Some people are afraid to change – they try so desperately to silence us.”

Except that real people ARE doing very helpful stuff. Working within the paradigm. :roll:

She’s got something of a martyr complex going on, but I suspect most of them do.

She’s trying to be Joan of Arc and it’s just the wrong century.

Not a good role model…she left quite the carbon footprint.


Don’t they all?

Projection is distraction, and distraction is how you get away with things. But poor little Greta is too young to be conscious of this. She says what she says because she doesn’t know what she’s saying.

The people hiding behind her are the real cynics.

FIFY :slightly_smiling_face:

If true, we should cut her some slack, the follies of youth and so on, which she could overcome. Adults on the other hand are a different kettle of fish…

Cutting her slack is exactly what those who hide behind her are counting on. That’s how a human shield works.

If she can’t take the incoming fire, all she has to do is quit shielding them, and we’ll all forget she ever existed and she can go back to school and try for some semblance of a normal life. Her choice.

She is an accomplice in her own manipulation.

The accolade goes to the person or persons who “most influenced the news and the world” during the past year.

That is true. Kept this thread active.
Perhaps Forumosa should set up a poll of 20 or more people to vote on for Forumosa’s person of the year.

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I nominate Shiadoa.


Interesting idea, but is there a way to prevent Russian interference and massive voter fraud?

I don’t know about that, but I’m sure the Wumaos will flood the page.