So let's talk about the Proud Boys then

Freedom isn’t free, and some threats are real, unlike antifa.


No, they banned a terrorist group. Read again.

Not funny at all. Very sad that has been allowed to get this far in the U.S.

Not in every corner, just our nation’s Capitol, state Capitols, voter intimidation during elections, etc.


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Terrorist group run by a fed. Next you’ll be telling me Saddam had nukes.
You can believe the garbage pedo face Stelter spews out all day long.
Carry on.

Well they have found some Nazi sympathizers among the Pentagon ranks.

The new question is
But what about their emails? :sweat_smile:
Sucks for them they lost

The indictment alleges that Ethan Nordean of Washington, Joseph Biggs of Florida, Zachary Rehl of Pennsylvania and Charles Donohoe of North Carolina conspired to encourage members of the group to attend the Stop the Steal protest in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6.

All four defendants in the superseding indictment released on Friday are the leaders or organizers of Proud Boys chapters in their respective states, the indictment says.

It says they worked to obtain paramilitary equipment used for the attack on the U.S. Capitol, dismantled metal barriers set up to protect the building, and communicated using handheld radios and encrypted messaging applications.

It also says the effort included soliciting donations through an online crowdfunding campaign to help the Proud Boys pay for protective gear, and an online fundraiser that generated more than $5,500 to help cover travel expenses to Washington.

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The OP must be wishing the title of this thread was “So let’s not talk about the Proud Boys, then”.

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except I think it is meant to be a white :ok_hand:t2: not a yellow :ok_hand: as that would be Asia power :wink:

Looks like “media’s”, and people’s concerns generally about this group, were spot on, unless being arrested for conspiracy is underwhelming. :sweat_smile:

Interesting to take a look back to see where the attuned radar lies, regarding groups like this, versus say, antifa. :brain:

What are the odds that there will never ever ever be a smash and grab at those shops?

The KKK was formed of Democratic origins but it’s no longer Democrat. It’s not Republican either. It’s extremely far right so far right your average trump supporter looks like a BLM supporter in comparison

Yip–and in recent history, the late Senator Robert Byrd was a member. Robert Byrd - Wikipedia. They also played a role in the 1868 and 1924 Democratic Conventions.

Much more classy and tolerant to be an old school Republican. :laughing:

Political cartoonist Thomas Nast ridiculed the Democratic party as a coalition of Irish immigrants (left), white supremacists like Nathan Bedford Forrest, leader of the Ku Klux Klan (center), and Northern capitalists represented by Horatio Seymour (right).

These are the funniest feds I have seen in a while:


They need to start using middle-aged, overweight patriots to make these psy ops more convincing.


2 posts were split to a new topic: From So let’s talk about the Proud Boys then

Perfect timing. You would think they could have used an old flag rather than a clean new looking one.
Reminds me of the Koran found in terrorists cars after they were killed, or those titanium passports of terrorists at the foot of the WTC.

Everyone knows the first thing you do at a crime scene is tamper with the evidence to display it for a photo op.

Can we send the proud bois to Ukraine to be manly over there?

The glowies were out at a Proud boys march and were chased off.