Social class

Can’t say that I know a big enough number of upper class Mexicans with indígena housekeepers to form a representative sample. If you do then feel free to let us know.

You should contribute to the Bite My Stripey Ass forum.

more of a face system than a class system.

the rich people here are usually dick heads who like to show off though i know that much.


I just did.


Are we talking about the douchebags with the hair gel and big purple scooters?

Whenever I see them I hear “Purple Rain” in my head.


Even people who drive Maseratis here belch audibly in public, and talk with mouths full of food.

There is no class outside of school classes.


i was reading an account of someone visiting china years ago. apparently it was rude not to burp after a meal in those times. and also rude not to leave a pile of bones on the table to show the meal you just destroyed.

i think some of this culture is still around here, i’ve witnessed many a shameless burper loudly and awkwardly burping and making me not want to finish what i’m eating.

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How can you feel it? What experience/situations have explified a social class ?

I’d say yes there is one because every culture has one. But it’s relative to that country/culture. Taiwan always seemed to mirror Western culture ideas of social class but guided by Confucianism

Ditto Saudia Arabia and probably some other Middle Eastern countries.

I don’t feel so.

I am unable to locate that… The forum, not your stripey ass.


Oh, sorry, I think that thread is

Oh, I see.

You realize that now you have absquatulated with that graphic, you’ll need to pay me 5 bucks every time you post, right?

My people will be in touch.



I’ve always thought the US had some of the worst class divide. The rich and the upper-middle class don’t even use the same public amenities with the poor. You don’t go to the same school, you don’t use the same hospital, and you don’t even live in the same neighbourhood.

That’s not really the case here. Rich and poor parents send their kids to the same school nearby (though the rich ones are starting to put their kids in private schools lately but they are still a minority) and in the same shitty apartment building there could be a millionaire family living one floor above a family on government assistance. There’s no particularly shit neighbourhood full of drug dealers on the streets etc.

And I don’t know where people get this “people who ride scooters are all poor” myth from because that simply isn’t remotely close to the reality. I know many people who ride scooters to work and none of them are close to poor. The only reason they ride it is because they think taking the bus/metro is a waste of time.


Cheapest of expensive!

That’s the family that owned the land where the building sits on, and they’ve probably several more apartments they rent out. Wear slippers at any occasion.
Drive a Lexus or comparable. And probably dress similar as their tenants.


Most people who ride scooters are poor, because they simply can’t afford to buy a car. Then again cars are well expensive in Taiwan compared to other places in the world.

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