Some Good Western Restaurants in Taitung

@Explant I don’t do the f-book thing, but thanks anyways!

@Andrew Yes late 2022—if that indeed is when the next Slow Food Festival will take place in Taitung—does sound slow enough. I am patient. I can wait. :rofl:


Ya, i dont disagree with you. Its a shit website that rarely works well. But people tend to only update there…

Try here:

On their facebook page i can only find this…probably im too dumb to figure out facebook, but possibly they havent plannedtheir next market?

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As an aside. I tried a vendor when they were in taipei. She has a restaraunt in Taitung city.

Thai food. Called Tanyas. The festival her food was amazing! So would be good to try her shop if the market stall was any indication (really damn good).


Looks good! Thanks for the tip!


Just randomly fooling around looking at places located near Tanya’s Thai food yields some lovely looking spots. Here’s one more, right near by. What a great looking cafe! Taitung, here I come! :yum:é+Rebecca/@22.7548573,121.1525243,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipM_u5YuYvCrqAYcXmRQWh41DF3rEUJzmSPqkm3S!2e10!3e12!!7i3024!8i4032!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xeb614c0d31b9884a!2zVGFueWHigJlzIOazsOmjn-mkkOahjCBUaGFpIEZvb2QgVGFibGU!8m2!3d22.7552586!4d121.1522636!3m4!1s0x346fb93f3d2c5a3d:0x73bcf878e4ef39c1!8m2!3d22.754877!4d121.1524944


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There are more official events, but seems like it takes place all the time now. Every time I’m down by Tiehua Village I see food for sale. Last weekend it was for some kind of aboriginal festival, but the weekend before that I saw most of the same stuff for sale in the same places.

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位於都蘭半月灣上的西班牙料理 Spanish Bistro Beach Bar in Dulan, East Coast Taiwan

Ya i noticed that po last weekend . They said its every week thurs through sun. In the old parking lot area by the starbucks.

Did you try anything good there? I dodnt get t o try anything.

I tend to walk by that stuff on my way to somewhere else. That weekend I was having (bad) barbecue with a friend at Mr. Cow. I’ve probably had some of the food there, but I can’t remember if it was good or not.

Great find ! Where was the Taipei location?


Since Tanya is listed in the Slow Food guide, I imagine the Taipei vendor part would also have been some sort of Slow Food promotion event.

Anyways, it’s easy to find her now at her home base in Taitung City. :grin:


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Ya, i tried her food at the slow food event. No idea if she has a shop in taipei. I have now twried her food at the slow food event as well as the shop in Taitung city. Enjoyed each time. but i basically love ALL thai food that doesnt make me sick haha. I may be bias…

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Slow food is better than Fast food most of the time.


That fish is interesting. How was it cooked? The salad looks very good and local too.

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Do you know anywhere?

Is the Taiwanese food there better than in Kaohsiung?

I don’t know if one could call it “traditional,” as it’s been adapted for the coastal location with liberal use of bonito flakes on the noodles. But if I’m in Taitung City, I’d be hard pressed to think of a better Hakka rice noodle lunch than the one available at Rong Shu Xia (榕樹下), which also has a great atmosphere and delicious cold drinks. Be prepared to line up though as it’s well known!

On google maps: Google Maps

Another great place to start is this guy’s blog (mentioned a year ago upthread, I think):



if by traditional Taiwanese you mean aboriginal, I would say taitung is easier in the sense it’s off the main roadways. better is hard to say, but in kaohsiung it seems you need to travel further to get anything decent. thought everywhere tends to have a han chinese vibe to it now, obviously ($).

I haven’t been, but have heard from plenty of friends and customers this place is fantastic. not taitung technically, granted, but same thing, rukai. nevermind those colonialists from china and their fake lines. man :hugs:

seems pretty good though, all jokes aside. recommended by people I HIGHLY respect in the food biz.

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I would love to try that place some day. :yum:


It just flew into the wok! :wink:

what’s the best pizza place in Taiting? last time I was in Taitung city tried pizza factory and was very disappointed. Any particularly awesome ones?