Spotify in Taiwan

Do you care to explain your setup? I don’t want to leave my PC running 24/7

It needs to be running when you access your music.

Then for me this is useless as I use spotify for the car. Maybe in the future plex will improve. But for now it’s better to pay for spotify. I was also thinking of KKbox because it’s only 100 NTD a month. Does anyone have experience with it?

Also KKbox offers “lossless quality” too for 100ntd extra month…

Plex works perfectly in the car. But you must leave your server running to access your media. Most people leave their PCs/servers on all the time.

I pay through Google Play Store adding to my phone bill which I pay cash.

I use KKbox since for a while many songs I wanted to hear wasn’t available on Spotify but were available on KKbox. I think it’s a perfectly fine player. It also plays podcasts just like spotify.

Is anyone interested in being part of a Spotify family plan and sharing?

It’s 268NT / month for 6 people, so 45NT / person if we manage to get 6 people on the plan. Basically $1.5 USD a month. Taiwan Spotify has regional pricing and is cheaper if you set your region here and bill locally.

I had to ditch free spotify because their CRO price keeps tanking

Seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through to defraud a business in order to save about 100NT per month


Too much trouble for too little savings and who wants to share an account with a group of strangers? Maybe ask at work? :wink:


Each family member gets a unique profile that can only be accessed by them. It’s perfectly legal. They didn’t say family has to be by blood, a friend can be considered family.

If someone drops out we can ask another person. We’ll do some basic vetting and won’t ask random people. Basically keep it filled with up to 6 people and we’ll save a lot over time.

Here’s a Spotify link explaining how family plans work and how they’re separated profiles: Start or join Family plan - Spotify

I’m also sharing home internet with my two neighbors using wifi mesh from the balcony and sharing the costs. Gigabit internet for 3 people and it never slows down. Trying to get it up to 5 people if I can convince more neighbors to join.

We’re in a recession now, gotta squeeze as much as we can from every dollar we spend


It does say the following on the page that you linked:

  • You need to be living with the Family manager
  • Enter the same address as the plan manager upon joining the plan

No thanks! I’ll continue to pay NT$149/month…


We live under the roof of Forumosa!

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Although I am sympathetic to the idea, I do not think it works as well with perfect strangers. And, down the road, they may decide you are probably not family if some of you are logging on from completely different locations and/ or countries. And then what happens with the account and all your playlists?

Also, I do not use Spotify myself. One of my kids might like to use it. The web version seems to work plenty fine without paying for it though, but I guess the mobile version has limitations.

Yeah I think this is all very technical language but I’d say:

We are all living in together in Taiwan

The address they ask for can be a mailing address. We can share a same PO Box. It doesn’t ask for living address so we are legally doing things per their policy. And even if they ask for living address, just visit the PO Box for a hour a year and say that qualifies you for residency. This isn’t as complicated as taxes where you need 185 days in a year to get residency. I’m not trying to break any rules, just following the rules as it’s written.

You have to sign up for one year at a time - this is per Spotify family plan requirements and is good for us since less churn

Need to find a trustworthy family manager that doesn’t change the address of the manager, which could be me. If a member changes their address then they are booted out automatically by Spotify per family address rules but it doesn’t affect others in the plan.

Just say you’re traveling. From my experience they don’t have the time to check this since they’re liable to get sued or get bad media if they’re wrong.

Each person’s account is still independent. And you can join the family plan with your existing Spotify account and later leave. The family manager can’t see other people’s play lists so it respects privacy.

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I think Spotify is really convenient. I have it on my phone, on my TV with Google Chromecast TV/smart TV and on my computer. Just use my phone as a remote for all of them. Of course I can listen to only one device at the same time.

Plex plus lifetime Plex Pass plus Plex Amp.

You can get lifetime for around $80 during sales and you can add 15 users to your home.