Squat toilets (yay or nay)

I’m for squatting. Works great when camping.

And it helps to be in horse stance too, modified, by the fact that you have to use your legs to prop up your pants, or I roll up the pants and then hold it with one hand.

Funniest shit ever, (bad pun)

[moderately gross]

I was in some small town in China, about to hop onto the train, when I had a terrible tummy ache. I grab my extra TP roll, rush into the men’s bathroom, into a squatting stall.

The problem was, the length of the stall (and this seems to be common) was too short for me, so as I squat, my head is literally up against the door, very uncomfortably. (Looks like they might have saved a few dollars here and there by buying short walls).

Anyways, after I finish, I look back and realize that I’ve been missing the hole, because I was so far back - it’s on the edge. I clean up, take a peek outside, but there’s no mop to be seen. And it’s just this mountain of poop, and it’s a bit soft and rough, with a off-brown color (if you’ve been in China, you know what I mean). Then I spot the garbage plastic bucket by the toilet, used for the TP disposal… It worked. I flushed. I left.

As an aside, your poop smells funny after smoking a pipe. It offers a sweet, but sickly odour.

I’ve only ever used a squatter once while camping in Kenting. Now I will hold it until I burst unless I can find a western style toilet.

My right knee was busted in an accident some years ago; although I can squat, standing up again is a serious problem.

I hate squatters.

At least on a ‘throne’ you know that everything’s going to land inside.

Also, have you ever tried using a squat with a fucked knee? It’s damn near impossible, but that’s what I have to do every time I’m forced to use a squat. Not good.

Someone once invented a dual use. There was the nrmal seat, and then a special seat that came down on top of that, with places to put your feet, so you could squat on top.

A Chinese restaurant owner back in NZ told me “you can tell the mainlanders - they leave footprints on the toilet seat”.


I hate sqatters!
How can anyone like it? You are surrounded by piss/excrement and your nose is so close to all that pungent aroma that you want to up-chuck your undigested meal - how is that indusive to unloading?
I don’t get. :loco:
Curse the squatter! :smiling_imp:

Waht a topic! Tried it 15 years ago, carefully balancing and guess where it landed, f…, shite…! :fume:

On the other hand, guessing by the “usage” of toillet paper, it is the most popular one and by providing one, at least avoiding the foot prints :smiling_imp: on the one I am co-using!

Squat toilets all tha’ way!!!

The clever ones have a little handle in front so that you have extra control and leverage

Much, much easier to wipe your a$$ clean with a squat toilet. Especially the day after the night before when the viscosity is low

I was a bit suprised when I first got to Taiwan as I felt the urge to “go” while eating at a Pizza Hut in Hualien. I was quite confused when entering the restroom. There was a urninal, yet behind the door where I thought I would find a toilet, I was shocked to see nothing more than a trench/hole in the floor. After finishing what I had set out to do, I informed the girl behind the counter that someone had stolen their toilet.

Over the years I have grown accustomed to the squatters. I feel they would be a bit more comfortable with back support as it tends to pinch just above my butt crack as I sit on the floor with my legs outstretched in front of me while my nutsack dangles in the water.

I do feel sorry for whoever was selected to clean the bathroom the night I ate at the Pizza Hut. I had the horse stance partially correct yet I was bending at the the waist, not the knees. Unfortunately the aim was a bit off. Rather than dropping at 6pm it was more of a spray at 8:30pm. Kinda reminded me of the stucco finish on my folk’s house.

Of course squat receptacles continue to be used here, the locals are closer to the ground aren’t they? If most of the yokels were anything near 6ft, I seriously doubt they’d persevere with this savagery.

Oh I forgot - the best thing about a squat toilet is that you don’t have to put your a$$ on some nasty publis toilet seat.

If I encounter a nasty toilet seat, and I really have to poo and simply can’t wait, I’ll grab some toilet paper, wet it down and wipe the seat clean.

Some truth in it, was back in Switzerland last December, saw that in the Zuich main station they had toilet seats that after finished business, it turned round on the back kind of like a carwash that washed and tried it. Brand is CWS. Searched high and low in Taiwan for something like that to install at our toilets but even the ones that have kind of an endless plastic tube that goe’s round and and is new for every user is not availalbe. If I am wrong and a system like that can be bought, I would install it right away. So for the time being, do like Chris does by using half a roll of paper all the time.

Taiwan should pass a Disabilities Act to not only install wheelchair accessible ramps everywhere but also to replace those ugly squats with real toilets. Is it any wonder you never see any disabled people out in public in Taiwan? They have to stay in their homes because it’s impossible to get around if you’re handicapped. You can’t even take a shit in a convenient place. God help me if I ever broke an arm or leg and had to try to use one of those damn squats.

I’m just thankful that we don’t have to use those stand-on-your-head-and-kick-your-feet toilets.

MRT stations have disabled toilets.

But I can’t imagine getting around if I were disabled. It’s bad enough trying to push a pushchair. Sometimes there’ll be like a ramp as a nod to accessibility, maybe even those lumpy things for blind people, then directly ahead, a huge pothole or scooter park or footbridge or wall where a shopowner has taken over the pavement.

If I encounter a nasty toilet seat, and I really have to poo and simply can’t wait, I’ll grab some toilet paper, wet it down and wipe the seat clean.[/quote]

:astonished: You need to go back to Biology class, even grade six science class would do. Sorry about the bubble, but the real world is a lot more interesting anyways…

[quote=“Freakin’ Amazing”][quote=“Chris”]
If I encounter a nasty toilet seat, and I really have to poo and simply can’t wait, I’ll grab some toilet paper, wet it down and wipe the seat clean.[/quote]

:astonished: You need to go back to Biology class, even grade six science class would do. Sorry about the bubble, but the real world is a lot more interesting anyways…[/quote]
Are you suggesting the seat will be even dirtier after cleaning it?

Hi Chris,

I don’t know what freakinamazing was trying to tell you…

However, wiping off the seat won’t sterilize it. Even though urine is fairly sterile to begin with, number 2 isn’t. :smiley:

The other thing is the less contact with the seat you have, including wiping it, the less chance any crabs or bacteria, or whatever have to latch on to you.

I read an excerpt from a study that said door latches and toilet flush handles have more bacteria on them than most of us would care to realize.

As fas as my vote on this subject: yay.

The people who’ve argued against the natural squat have bum knees and would have been eliminated in the wild anyway. So, taking this view, seat toilets are tools for the disabled.

For women, you have to hover anyway in a public toilet so why not get all the way down with a squatter? At least you don’t have to try and balance with your legs all akimbo. It’s interesting how many kids here do the squat so naturally. I have one little girl who does it anytime she wants to get down to eye level with someone sitting in the toddler-sized chairs in my classroom. I squat to get at eye level with my kids, but in the much more uncomfortable Western-style where you lift your heels and rest on the balls of your feet.