Stabbing in Xindian

lol. Jesus is welcome to appear and stop it if it has a problem.

oh you were serious, awkward. :wink:

A lot more now they have the Taiwan English News rather than just the China Post et al.
I can just about read the Apple Daily and it is full of carnage.

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I don’t know (probably not) but it is what i would want. However, i stay away from religion outside the religious forum where i enjoy the debate but not here.

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Superstitious nonsense.


They still miss most incidents. This is not to say the whole country is rife with murders and stabbings, far from it , but they are not particularly uncommon either and they don’t get covered in the English media and even in the Chinese media quite often . Most of them are domestic incidents…

This is the one that set me off down the rabbithole initially…


Very True. It is quite another side to Taiwan. Most are domestic incidents like you say and a lot more about drugs than in the English media.


This is a short video snippet to prove this was a real case.
You can search in English only my thread will come up!

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Yup, I talked about a few things in the past that are impossible to find even in Mandarin. However somewhere i have a few paper copies collected. I put them in plastic folders, if they have not been eaten by fungi I have them. They are kind of interesting. I have not found them yet but I’m.sure will stumble on them. As no way i would throw them. We are talking 20 years back :smile:


Find them and create a new thread with your curiosities from the past.


It is amazing how in these modern times just things from 20 odd years ago can disappear from memory and data. Perhaps the young people should be archiving stuff now for in 20 years. Anyone remember Brian and Crusher ? Hopefully they won’t be saying Corona got them. :wink:


Guinness almost got to me this weekend.

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Better than Corona ha ha (could not resist)

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Guinness is good for you.


Yeah, this is what I’m taking about. There are a lot more stabbings then people realize.

This makes sense. Taiwan isn’t allowed to have anything negative said about it in English.


Sounds like a British pop duo. Are they any good? :thinking:


He is VERY Irish, be warned. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


It’s not all about the death penalty. We’re all responsible for each other. That was my point, badly made as it was. It’s easy to kill everyone. Taking responsibility is harder and takes longer.

Crusher, get back there and shake your tambourine.

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I remember this news and another news about other lesbians torturing and killing a guy who did BSDM with them. Or is it the same news and they killed a woman instead?

And then closer in time there was this asshole and his friend in NTC who killed the asshole’s mother because she wouldn’t give him money for buying I don’t remember what bullshit.

I do think that TW has a greater percentage of edge cases like these.