Stupid Sh*t My Taiwanese Girlfriend Says

[quote=“BrentGolf”]As hard as she’s trying to play it up in that video the sad truth is there are plenty of guys here who are turned on by that behavior. I always cringe when I see guys dating these types of girls. It’s not very PC to say but I always have this thought in the back of my head, lock up your children because there’s a lot of dudes who like little girls in this country…

Well, I think everyone knows there is a (large) category of girls in Taiwan that caters to every man’s inner pedophile.

It’s not just that, you can’t even go out of the house for a month. And if you do ever go out, you should wear a jacket, hat, socks and shoes. Been there and it wasn’t fun at all.

Have heard it too, in theory makes sense since its “a month used in your body recovering”. Also heard that “it helps you keep looking good”.

and all they gave me to eat was almost just fish, every single day o a month, there’s also a list of foods you cant eat like asparagus.

Oh, and another thing I find weird I6s when they bottle feed my son and he suddenly coughs, they breathe/exhale warm air on his forehead.

Most of these myths are based on some kind of true facts, other are just amusing.
Fish is one hell of a food, protein, lots of O3 fats, minerals picked from the sea… and asparagus, well, that stuff screws with your whole system, is one hell of a digestive trip. For the baby thing I wouldn’t know… maybe cough is sign of a cold, and since the babies have a hug head they try to warm it up??

Yep,some are weird, but as you say sometimes based on facts. Many still think that eating Carrots can improve your night vision and I am sure that some Vitamins may help general health, Few in Taiwan, will believe the Wartime story of eating “Carrots” explaining away early warning Radar,which is true.

Most of these old wive’s tales come from northern China and made sense many years ago in the harsh, cold winter.

Such ancient wisdom from the cold winters of Beijing practiced in modern, sub-tropical Taiwan in the middle of summer, is rendered into mere superstition.

The rest and recuperation for a month and focus on healthy foods is a really good idea. The other stuff has lost it’s relevance.

A: “You’re coughing because you walked from a warm place into a cold place.”
B: “No, I’m actually coughing because I’m recovering from a cold.”

This happens to me, but usually it’s sneezing or YES because I drank some ice drinks.

Our kid has been banned from ice-cubes & chilled summer drinks because she’s had a bit of a cold.
Now it’s “Look, you see, no ice-cubes and she is getting better.”

My argument that she would’ve got better anyway, and in the same amount of time, is just foolish.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

My girlfriend is a bitch. Woe is me. Please get me out of here


A most excellent first post, Sir.

Can you actually type?

Ooohh, stinging reply urodacus. Be kind to all Men (especially BK) :laughing:

I do indeed come from New Holland, if that is important.

I prefer Urodacus hoplurus and Urodacus yaschenkoi as more irreverent and ornery critters.

but still, most sentient creatures would concede that typing is much more effective a mode of communication than simply hitting the quote button.

haha fuck i think this is hilarious XD

That’s a pretty good second post. Welcome to forumosa.

i blame my keyboard, not the whiskey.

So why do doctors and nurses in Western hospitals wear masks if they are so unhealthy?