Superstars? ⭐

Both - awesomeness and technical (it was already there, so just needed to add a font-awesome icon :slight_smile: )

This post on the Discourse Meta board is about Badges and how the code can be modified so that badges are granted when certain events occur. Since Badges can be set to confer an associated title, then rank titles (like we had back in the phpBB days) can be done

Currently, we are still hosted on the Discourse server, so I believe our access to the code is limited. Even if it isn’t, I would need the help of a Discourse-savvy code to make changes like these.

I have long been looking into moving the site off the Discourse server – partly to limit the hosting costs and partly to get more flexibility to make changes like this. Our traffic and pageviews continue to grow - if the pageview count in the Dashboard is correct, we are now over 4x our monthly quota at over 2 million pageviews a month. We blew past 500,000 pageviews last summer.

Expect changes in this to happen this year - probably over the summer. Will keep you posted.

In the meantime, please suggest rank titles we might use. Maybe you can suggest them in this topic:
