Original Title: Totally Whacked Ad
Does anyone else find it irksome that there is a
used in an ad for the
school of yoga?
Original Title: Totally Whacked Ad
Does anyone else find it irksome that there is a
used in an ad for the
school of yoga?
The reverse swastika is a Bhuddist symbol. Its use denotes nothing negative.
I know it’s the reverse of the Nazi swastika, but it still makes me cringe when I see it; and to use it with the letters SS makes it worse.
The swastika was misappropriated from eastern spirituality for use by the nazis. The connection you make with it is purely your perception and not the intention of the advertisement for Asian cultural products. I don’t think we should ask for the removal any eastern spiritual symbols from our website simply because, by unfortunate coincidence and through no fault or intent of those displaying such symbols, they may remind us of something else.
i agree with Stimpy.
[quote=“Dr Zoidberg”]Does anyone else find it
that there is a
used in an ad for the
school of yoga?[/quote]
The op asked if people found it boring, not troubling…
irksome = boring
There’s a local guy in the hockey league who’s got a swastika sticker on his skate. Not the tradition one, but the Nazi version in red, black and white. Claims its not about the Nazis, but “you know, o-mi-tou-fo”. Yeah, fine. It’s a major bummer to have your symbol appropriated, abused, and ruled out of bounds, and why should you have to give it up? But don’t go re-appropriating the bastardized, historically-load version. Every time I see that skate I feel like pulling a Hextal.
The problem is that its the SS school of yoga. I don’t think its a coincidence. The first time I saw the ad, I thought it was a reference to Nazism.
SS stands for the Swami Salami School of Yoga. I don’t know Rob, the owner, that well, but I have friends who do. I’m pretty sure he’s not Gestapo!
Yeah, but’s an unfortunate logo name/design if there is ever one. I sympathize with Doc. I had to look really hard to check if it really was or wasn’t. In a way, that means the banner design was effective but maybe not in the way it was intended eh?
oh no, watch out for the PC police!!!
make the little cartons of vegetarian noodles apologise for being Nazi Noodles too
I thought the “swastika” was made of hot dogs.
You guys think too much. This is Taiwan.
The ad claims it’s “American style.” I guess that’s where the hotdogs come in.
We of the Swami Attack Team-SWAT to you non-believers-are keeping yoga free for old white dudes and the hot-bodied
sweaty, scantily clad, young Taiwanese women who regularly attend our master's classes.
Swami Salami? Salami? You are joking, right?
Does this work? Does the guy get students with a name like that? And teach them to put their feet behind their ears? I’m gobsmacked.
Any of you ladies want to learn Lobsan Loretta’s Love Truncheon Aerobics? Medicine Stick Shamanism, which requires you to dress up in animal costumes? Spice up your life with the Tantric Banana School of Pole Dancing?
Medicine Stick Shamanism, which requires you to dress up in animal costumes?[/quote]
Swami Salami School of Yoga should be SSS then, not SS?
Lorettas school of shamanism sounds great. How about a sign beneath of an African with a bone through his nose cooking Christian settlers in a big black pot? That wouldn’t be too un-p.c.
Swami Salami? Salami? You are joking, right?
Does this work? Does the guy get students with a name like that? And teach them to put their feet behind their ears? I’m gobsmacked.
Any of you ladies want to learn Lobsan Loretta’s Love Truncheon Aerobics? Medicine Stick Shamanism, which requires you to dress up in animal costumes? Spice up your life with the Tantric Banana School of Pole Dancing?[/quote]
Read the website and see what he says about the name. Rob is a very professional teacher but an easygoing guy who doesn’t take himself as seriously as some Yoga Masters (Yogii?). So hence the name.
I know the Rob and he’s a top bloke who teaches the class simultaneously in English and Chinese. If you’ve ever wanted to try Yoga I highly recommend that you give it a go. Its a pretty tough form of exercise but you’ll feel on top of the world after an hour and a half of stretching and natural strength exercises.
So was there an intentional link made between the image of the swastika, and the words SS?
I don’t know about Gestapo, but the last time I met him he was dressed in a bright red rhinestone-studded Elvis jumpsuit. Which is actually much worse, I’m sure you’ll agree.