🌆 Taipei City - Places to Visit

In Zhongshan, several shops next to each other:

I almost bought my last pair of hiking shoes here, went somewhere cheaper for same model but slightly uglier and probably older, but cheaper. I think it’s a good shop:

Lots of toys here, but I remember it was pricey:


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Some suggestions



Fengda is a cool spot.

Also if you are in the area, goto Dong Yi Paigu. Legendary old store with absolutely mental 70’s interior [西門町美食]東一排骨總店/70年代夜總會的裝潢+古早味排骨飯/用餐時間人潮滿滿的排骨飯老店代表 @小佳的幻想世界


My impression is that danshui is cold and Keelung is always raining.

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Danshui is hot as fuck in the summer…just like everywhere else.


Danshui is like 15 miles from Taipei, with no major geographical features to block weather (I guess that little hill they call a mountain in yangmingshan can divert some, to some extent, but it ain’t the sierras there). I’ve got family in Danshui and Chuwei, but stay in Taipei and take the mrt back and forth every day when visiting - there’s rarely a big difference in weather.


Proximity to the ocean can have a slight moderating effect in Danshui, but yeah, slightly less hot as fuck is still hot as fuck.

I mean in winter of course.

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Not really colder in winter. Again, the ocean has a slight moderating effect. It can get pretty dismal sometimes when the northeast monsoon is blowing though.

It’s not even 15 km from the border/Zhuwei area to Taipei Main. What are you going on about? That’s a huge difference.

Taoyuan Station from Taipei Main Station is 15 miles. 24 km.

I don’t get how everyone exaggerates and makes stuff up about everything in regards to Danshui.

Next thing they will say, it’s Salt Water…

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Well, more like brackish…

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Evidence of rain in Taipei or Sanchong.

No evidence of rain in Danshui


That second picture actually looks quite nice.


The mountain is Guanyinshan

Guandu and ASUS headquarters are in frame as well.

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Good thread.


Be sure to get a couple of cookies to be washed down with your coffee. If you order them at your table, they’ll make you go outside to buy them, which will then be served on a nice plate. That’s old school!


Excuse me? city? We’re a NATION!

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Yeah, I usually grab some 杏仁糕


I can’t read the characters, are we still talking Wanhua here?