Taiwan nuclear energy minister takes leave to face sexual harassment claims

Original title: Taking co worker to a coffee shop during working hours can be sexual harassment?

From this story it can be, is it true. So no drinks, coffee, tea ect. How about food or pubs

News: Taiwan nuclear energy minister takes leave to face sexual harassment claims | Taiwan News | 2022-12-03 17:40:00

That seems like half the story.

The minister had reportedly been accused of verbal harassment and inappropriate touching of female AEC staff members. He also took a secretary to a coffee shop during working hours.

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Yes, but it should still serve as a warning for @jimbob132’s friend about dating subordinates, e.g., taking them out for lunch in IKEA.

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Maybe he asked to split her atoms.

I’d probably have gone with a joke related to fusion.

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Or fast breeding.

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so in conclusion, all this need for fusion led to this