Taiwan passport

Ok. Let me get the information straight.

your situation:

  • Your grandfather and grandmother

    • moved from Mainland China to Taiwan to Philippines
    • had old Taiwanese Passport with no ID number
    • already passed away
    • you don’t know if they had a household registration and national ID
  • Your aunt and uncle

    • live in Philippines
    • have taiwanese passports with ID number
    • their household registration is inactive now
    • they got their household registration under the old loose regulations.
    • you know the address of their household registration
    • do they have national ID cards and transcript of their household registration too?
  • Your mother

    • has Taiwan passport without ID number
    • doesn’t have household registration
    • doesn’t have Philippines nationality
  • You

    • have taiwanese passport without ID number
    • do you have Philippine nationality?
  • Other info
    relationship between your mother and her siblings is not very good
    how is your relationship with them?

taiwanese citizenship:


  1. Has a lineal blood relative, a spouse, a sibling, or a spouse’s parent, who has registered permanent residence in the Taiwan Area.
    This one is same with the petition on the webpage of TECO in Manila. You mother needs to ask one of her siblings to activate her/his inactive household registration.
  2. Serves as an overseas legislator.
  3. Was born in overseas. Parents had registered permanent residence in the Taiwan Area when the child was born.
    If your grandfather had a household registration when she was born, your mother can use this one.
  4. Enter into taiwan with Taiwanese passport, and continues to reside in the Taiwan Area for 7 years, and more than 183 days each year.
    If there is no other way you can use, this is the way.
  5. Has made an investment in the Taiwan Area in the amount that is more than NT$10,000,000.
  6. Studied at taiwanese school as an an overseas student, and worked for 2 years in your country after graduated from the school.
  7. Has special contributions to the country and the society, or is a senior professional personnel as needed in the Taiwan Area.
  8. Has special skills and experiences and has been invited back to the State by the central authorities that are in charge of the field of their employment.
  9. Has been appointed or employed by a government department, a public or private university or a college
  10. Has been approved to work in the Taiwan Area for a white collar job.

Grandfather’s household registration:

If your aunt and uncle don’t know about his household registration, it is possible that he didn’t have. Though it is also possible that he had his household registration at the same address with your aunt and uncle.

If you have any plan to visit Taiwan, I think you can ask about his household registration at the HHR office. I would bring the following documents.
Many of the documents may need to be authenticated at TECO in Manila.

  • your grandfather’s passport, and pictures, and death certificate.
  • your mother’s Taiwanese passport, and her resident permit in Philippines, and proof to show she is your grandfather’s daughter. Birth certificate, picture with him, etc
  • your taiwanese passport, and Philippines passport or resident permit, and proof to show you are your mother’s child. Birth certificate etc.
  • your aunt or uncle’s copy of Taiwanese passport, id, birth certificate, Philippines passport or resident permit, proof of their relation ship to your grandfather.

The HHR office people may tell you if your grandfather had a household registration at the address or not.

If he had it there, you can get the transcript of his household registration as his lineal blood relative. And your mother can apply for her residency using the transcript. What she needs are written in the instruction.

Under any circumstances, the application form is the same, and it is submitted by applicant.

If your mother uses the household registration of her siblings, she needs her sibling’s

  • Passport and Taiwan ID. Original & 2 photocopies each.
  • Household Certificate issued within last three months. 2 Original

I don’t know whether the sibling should visit TECO in Manila for interview, when your mother applies in Philippines. You can ask on this to TECO.

Do you know how your aunt and uncle decided the address of their household registration? Do they have their household registration at the same address, or do they have each different address?