Taiwan singer wants to divorce pregnant wife

Jut saw the guy on the news. He has tattoos all over his body, up his neck. Yellow hair, fancies himself as the Taiwan batman. Looks like trouble I can see why the wife called the cops.
Maybe the wife is your typical nutso Taiwan xiaojie too. But the real wacko in the picture would be the cutie cutie girlfriend


He was strumming my face with his fingers…/

Sounds like his drug use might be a replacement for mental illniess meds.

Bah. The only illness this guy has is Peter Pan syndrome.


Keeping it trashy


It used to be common, I dare say open xiao san are not common these days. But I don’t hang around with the famous types.

:grimacing: can it be both? :grinning::grinning:

Not IMO. There are people out there with real mental illnesses and not just a distorted personality and lack of maturity resulting from never having to face serious consequences in their lives. :coffee::relieved:


The guy just seems like a garden-variety douche, but so does his wife. They’re probably meant to be together.