Taiwan Stimulus Vouchers and Relief Packages Discussion

there’s also same sex marriage…

Many men know that … same sex all those years … :popcorn:


marriage = same or no sex

My wife registered hers but said I can’t do mine at the machine. I need to go into the post office

My wife registered both ours at the machine. Didn’t have any problems.

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We keep having problems everywhere. At home with the insurance card reader and at 7-11. Nothing works. All is ok for her and our kids though. Weird.

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Who can I contact as my representative to ask why foreign tax payers don’t get this even though they pay taxes? It will probably do nothing but I think a quick email couldn’t hurt.

The only thing I hate more than taxes is not getting shit for taxes.


Whatever happened to Richard? I never met him but he’s spoken of in nearly mythological terms.

I don’t have an answer…I guess firing off an email to your local representative?..but you’re a citizen, aren’t you? Whenever this kind of thing comes up, people say that ‘you should have your wife/friends contact the local politicians’, knowing that people who vote are listened to that much more than the rest of us who don’t.

Yeah. I just don’t think it’s fair. Who do I even contact in the government for this?

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Wife says there is a news article in Chinese about this problem. Turns out if you got married, had a JFRV, then after said number of years turned it into an APRC, that APRC may or may not designate you are married. Something about different categories of APRC. The bloke in the article is like my situation…our APRCs don’t detail anything about marriage. The government has said if we want the stimulus money, we need to go to the foreign affairs and have the status / category of our APRC changed…at a cost of course.

We made the choice to get the APRC to replace the JFRV to give me more security and indepedence. Should anything happen to my wife, I am able to remain in Taiwan. No way am I trading that in for 2000nt.


I’ve got a marriage based ARC. That might explain why I didn’t have any problems.

Few people know, I’m not one of them.

“About 1.09 million people from low-income households are to receive a NT$1,000 (US$33.77) subsidy to purchase government-issued Triple Stimulus Vouchers, the Ministry of Health and Welfare said.”
" … nearly 1 million eligible people on Thursday began receiving the subsidy to purchase vouchers in their postal savings account, the ministry’s Department of Social Assistance and Social Work said."

Why not just give them the vouchers?


Because you have to buy the vouchers, silly!

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Seriously, they give them 1000 NT$ to buy 3000 NT$ of vouchers. Who thinks up this wack way.


I haven’t read much of this thread, but the ‘unfairness’ about which foreigners get the vouchers is purely logistical. If you’re on a JFRV you are linked to the hukou via your spouse. The other guys presumably aren’t easily trackable the way the system’s been set up to distribute the vouchers. I could be wrong, though.

I’m getting the vouchers. I wonder what a smug smiley would look like?

Government employees.


accountants actually. it’s always about how they put it on the ledger books

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The longer I live in Taiwan the more I am convinced that people here try and creat a job for themselves. Every little thing is so convoluted. Bring on HK immigrates.