Taiwan Stimulus Vouchers and Relief Packages Discussion

The post office is my favorite. I think we filled out about 4 forms to send a small package overseas. Each form asked for mostly the same info.


Yes, I have the APRC

Makes sense, thanks guys

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Interesting, I have just the marriage-based ARC and tried to sign up at 711 with my health insurance cardā€¦ no dice. Wife didnā€™t have any issues

Might have to try the post office next



Why no?

[quote=ā€œeCanada, post:306, topic:192666, full:trueā€]

Read this thread and specifically this post.

Prez Horse came from HK


Too bad itā€™s not substantial like the US one/s.
At least if those idiots keep spreading the virus around like Halloween candy, we expats will get another check thanks to their stupidity.

I went to 7-11 yesterday with my APRC, and NHI card. The staff helped me thru the simple process. Your NHI card has an IC chip and thatā€™s what you insert into the kiosk machine. Typed in my cell number. Got a receipt to pay the $1000. And another receipt to come back on July 15 or later, to get the $3000 stimulus vouchers. Simple as that. Use your NHI card. It will indicate if youā€™re married or not.

Absolutely no need to go and change the status of anything. My APRC is the same situation as you described with yours. I am married to a Taiwanese, and got my ARC switched over to APRC in 2014.

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Iā€™m married with a Taiwanese, got my ARC based on JFRV converted to APRC, and thereā€™s no indication of marriage on my APRC.
We tried to apply for the vouchers online and link them to our credit cards. It only worked for my wife, not for our kids or myself. We then tried to order the vouchers instead using our NHI card and it worked!
Try to order without linking it to your credit card. That may be the problem.


and did nothing for Taiwan.

Did anyone figure out a way around this? I have an APRC through work, and got married last year. Just went to a 711 to try to register with my health card, but got a message saying Iā€™m not eligible.


APRC or ARC through work?

APRC, got it through working for 5+ years, not for being married 5+ years. Heard it makes a difference, but god knows.

Iā€™m in the same situation. I got my work APRC before I got married. My wife tried my NHI card at the 711. Wonā€™t work, they said I need go to the post office after 7/15 to apply

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Cheers for the update, guess Iā€™ll give that a go.

Just a heads up for anyone that wants to try at a 711, I think today is the last day to pre-register there.

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haha, my wife just gave me the instructions to collect my stimulus payment.
It looks like the Taiwan government gave the contract of fulfillment to the Nigerian princes.
Iā€™m supposed to take my health card to the post office with $1,000 to collect my $3,000.
under President Ma, our stimulus package was just automatically mailed to our homes,
no application necessary.

You should be happy that you can get one. Not all foreigner residents canā€¦

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Not all married men can.

Be happy or get a voucher?