Taiwan tax revenue will exceed targets by NT$355 billion

Leave religion out of this! :rofl:


10:30 your time, yeah. Getting there I’d say. :wink:

The night is young!

To make snide remarks on forumosa. :upside_down_face:


The best part of flobbing from afar is watching this place get drunk on this day. :beers:

It’s not like us foreign tax-payers would actually see any of the money if they returned it in the form of stimulus vouchers :man_shrugging:

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The government getting involved with anything is rarely a good idea! I’d rather the >NT$10,000 in taxes be returned and I’ll budget my own energy usage.

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They are wasting a lot of money subsidizing gas guzzlers and eletricity hogs too much. Tsai govt usually looks after big business first same as the KMT.

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Yeah. Privatizing roads, schools, public transit, running water, electricity, parking spots, and access to even basic medical care has never backfired in the history of modern civilization.


Who did that?

All became considerably more efficient after reducing government control.

Efficient… perhaps, depends on the metric … Effective…? Not by a long shot. A common refrain from migrants here is “healthcare will not cost you an arm and a leg.”


Sorry…all the money has already been spent on fireworks by each city in Taiwan.


I live next to the government building in Miaoli City… no fireworks for us :sob::sweat_smile:

Miaoli country is not in Taiwan though🤣


Imagine the surplus if landlords actually paid tax!


No doubt that the subsidies help industry. But they have also (at least so far) helped to tame runaway inflation. Compared to the inflationary debacle I witnessed in Canada, which I think is not unique to Canada, I’ll take it.



If I had known earlier I would have filmed the fireworks near us and sent to you.

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To be fair, many things public (eg. constriction) are contracted out to private industry. I bet an expired taiwan beer that the single biggest bump in public money would be the elimination of corruption between public projects and privatized rollouts. Too much of the wasted money is because of private companies mining the public stash. Construction, health care etc. I wouldnt want more privatization in Taiwan personally. At least with the gov, there is a way to fix things other than “not supporting the product”, which would be hard with things like power, health care, roads etc.

More public run services I would see as beneficial if they weren’t unionized or entitled as all phuck to the point it costs millions to take out the trash. If the gov was allowed to fire people more often and pay them market value, or at least close to, rather than have a bunch of monkeys that passed a test 30 years ago…might be getting somewhere. Instead we have a bunch of entitled government drones complaining about pretty much everything and doing nearly nothing. The public should allow the government to punish their employees for being inadequate. they are there to serve the people.

Like afterspivak, I agree we are still far better than.places like canada. :upside_down_face:

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Many workers in govt depts are contractors, no?
Eveb permanent govt workers dont get the deals they used to get. Overall govt services work fairly well in Taiwan.

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That’s bullshit. Solar accounts for 3.5% of total power generated. Sure… maybe during a blistering day with clear skies… but as a whole… only 3.5% Not exactly going to change the world.

What might is nuclear fusion.

“President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) on Tuesday promised to give back what it has described as surplus tax revenues to Taiwanese in the form of cash”