Taiwanese Can't Buy a House on Normal Salaries - Foreigners Live in a Bubble

Yea, almost nobody can afford to buy a house on Taiwan, non expat salaries.

You don’t get 80,000 a month unless you’re someone high up. Most start with less than 30,000. Good luck buying houses at that income.

Most young taiwanese do not buy houses unless their parents pitched in.

I have a house, my parents have houses, my kids have houses. Cost of living increases don’t really impact us too much.

But I think globally, rulers are distracting people with woke issues (like WEF poster boy Justin), not cost of living issues. In Taiwan, to keep this on-topic, everything is relations with China — green or blue elites arguing. It’s why CSB was such a pirate :slight_smile: The audacity to say he is a Son of Taiwan heheheheh. While the working classes get shafted by the laoban and green/bllue masters.

And in a lot of countries, the masses are pretty gormless. The leaders are making green decisions that will make us a lot poorer and people are worried about urban-bubble identity politics.

I think since the industrial revolution the masses have become rich compared to the elites, and the masses are enjoying riches that previous generations can only dream about.

I have a feeling that the elites want to return us to pre industrial times where the masses have nothing while the elites have everything. I’m not sure why, but some people aren’t content until they own everything even if a more distributed wealth is better for society.

I think it’s because for most of human history, in order to have more you must take from others, and since we’re hard wired to think this way even though today is different, so they are just not content at having 90 percent, they want all.


And yet people keep buying houses? Did they conjure the money out of thin air? Again you are wrong. Lots of people make tons of money here.


I saw a news that basically said basically they bought a house with their parents help. Maybe they gave them the down payment or whatever.

Otherwise you’re not buying a house on a 30,000 monthly salary. Often your house payment will exceed this.

Why do people keep buying houses? Because they collect and hoard them. Getting loans to buy your 10th house is much easier when they have the other 9 as collateral.

The money has to come from somewhere. Where did the parents get the money? The stock market is up, housing is up, exports are up (last quarter notwithstanding). Everything is up but somehow people whose collective make up those indexes are poorer?

Salaries are absolutely not 30k, even the national average is higher let alone Taipei salaries (which IIRC was 70k-ish).

Edit: National average salary

His message was actually that everyone is a son or daughter of Taiwan, but I guess you never bothered to understand what he said.

Marco has on 60k a month, Fuzzy BBQ has and works for a Taiwan company. Lot’s of people buying homes are not super rich. Many people in other countries also get assist from parents to buy homes.

No, you live in a bubble with taiwanese making above average salary.

Most taiwanese make 30 to 40k a month and works overtime too. Only way they’re able to afford a house is parents chipping in or both spouse working.

Talk to real taiwanese not a bunch of highly paid engineers that represents a minority of Taiwan.

@amitkattal has more accurate info because he gets taiwanese wage as a foreigner in Taiwan.

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Wait… he isn’t a highly-paid Indian engineer? Wow! Good job defeating the stereotypes! :clap:

So you think I do not know what salaries people get in the village from say working in local government offices or local businesses up here? Yes lots of people up here making not a lot. One lass living in my homestay works at the Hotel Indigo Alishan which recently opened. She however is in her young 20’s and is starting her career. At least she earns more than you claim to.

First if all government jobs of any kind in Taiwan is highly coveted even if their salary is not high. It’s because it’s iron rice bowl.

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Not only taiwanese wage, i am the ONLY foreigner the company ever hired and the company has like more than thousand employees. So i get to see the very very local taiwanese culture. I saw how these company hires people. The corruption, bootlicking and politics that goes on. Big bosses with their secret gfs coming to work in their fancy cars.
I have seen everything.

My salary is less yes and i have a phd coworker who told me he earns 54k and has to do overtime every day to make extra 20k per month.

Its all about comparison. For him working 15+ hours a day to get 74k is a lot of money most taiwanese can only dream of and i am sure foreigners will say 74k is a bullshit salary. Its all about how we see things from what angle and who we surround ourselves with


I don’t live in a bubble. I work a Taiwanese job surrounded by Taiwanese in a Taiwanese company.

For years, I was the only foreigner.


I believe he’s still a student

Same with me. Taiwanese company and I am the only foreigner. Starting salary for a Master’s at my company is 80k and I have a PhD, let’s just leave it at that.

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Where did you get this information from? It certainly does not match up with even government statistics showing median wage is more than this, That means more than half the country earn more then 40k a month. This means “most people” do not earn 30K - 40K a month.

Many companies also pay bonus before LNY. Most at least a month many have been paying more. Some people also get stocks. I am not an employee I run a wee business. I make a decent income but as I own the buildings and property my business is located at I have low operating costs. Not being in a city means also no need for aircons which would run my power bill to 70K every 2 months when I was in Taipei.

However as far as small business owners go, I’m in that bubble of people who earn more than an average salary by doing a wee business.

I’m feeling a strong sense of déjà vu here. Didn’t you guys discuss this like several days ago?

Let’s see if I’ve really experienced this before. I believe the thread is about to go off on a tangent about Walmart in the U.S.


TL is probably getting average salaries (whatever that is to him) mixed up with average starting salaries for fresh grads and the like, which are often shit anywhere in the world.

Most of my wife’s friends in Taiwan are in their 30s now and earn pretty good salaries. None of them are engineers and they work in lots of different sectors.