Taiwanese Citizenship and Renunciation

nice, we are much alike :rofl:

Same country, same age… wtf!

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anyways, If you do apply for the No objection Letter at the embassy beforehand please let me know the procedure as I’m quite curious. Hope it doesn’t take long…

I contacted them yesterday, they just mentioned they would give me something in English and they will get back to me today. Will keep you posted.

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They mentioned roughly the checklist during my call and will send me an email with the checklist. They didn’t mentioned the stamp but I will confirm with the email later and will bring anyways just in case.
They mentioned that if you do via Spouse route you don’t need the police record and its easier (less documents)
They can help you apply for TARC if you give them an additional photograph and (匯票 Huìpiào) with 1,000 and naming the NIA.

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The HHR is giving false information about this, APRC holders married to local spouse doesn’t need to provide Clear Criminal Record Document (CCRD), I was in a bit of quarrel with the lady at HHR about this, and she later apologize and found out she made a mistake.


The rules states (Point#2)

  • (1)向原屬國政府申請,核發日期須在申請日前6個月內,原屬國政府核發日期以後,申請人入境有再出境相當時日,經主管機關認有疑慮者,得請當事人繳交出境期間無犯罪紀錄證明。
  • (2)申請人為我國人配偶,已取得外僑永久居留證,或其外僑居留證居留事由載明為「依親(夫或妻)」者,得免附。
  • (3)申請人曾為我國人配偶,其婚姻關係消滅後,無出境者,得免附。
    Translation: (2) The applicant need not supply the CCRD of their country of Origin if they are married to a Taiwanese Citizen, holds an APRC or holds a dependant ARC (wife or husband)

Source: link


Ok, I have officially applied for intention of voluntary nationalization. Let’s see how this goes…


What’s the next step and how long do you need to wait?

She kept insisting I should apply as spouse of an ROC national and I explained my APRC is for work not marriage. She said it didn’t matter. Now during application it changed to voluntary naturalization because she “found out” my APRC is for work… Luckily the documents required were exactly the same and no stamp is needed.

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They send my application to MOI, MOI checks my info and approves, 2 to 4 months.
HHR office sends my documents to NIA, NIA makes TARC and sends back to HHR office.
I will get called to go exchange my APRC for TARC.

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Hi Tando, just wondering if you have by any chance a link that specifies this rule. This afternoon HHR asked me to call District Office (區公所) to inquire whether i need to do military service or not.

Conscription Regulations for Naturalized Aliens & Returning Overseas Chinese

Article 2
A naturalized male alien within the range of conscription age shall be subject to conscription enlistment according to law upon expiry of one-year period beginning the day next to his initial household registration.



Thank you!

You should be in the same position as me.

Turn 35 in 2021.
Will get HHR until 2022 when you turn 36.
You will start your conscription clock on January 1 2023 after you get your HHR. by then you are safe.

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yeah I’m aware of that, it’s just that my HHR was not knowledgeable about that rule or article and they’re afraid I might get drafted for military service just right after receiving Hukou and TW ID.

Today I called my District Office (they are the ones responsible for military service for citizens) and they assured me military service is not necessary for my case as I’ll be over 37 years once the one year wait is over. However, they asked me to stop by their office right after receiving my Hukou and ID just to update details of my citizenship in their system.

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Did you apply already?

So, the day you get your Hukou, they will send you a letter and ask (require) you to come in to the district office and fill in a form. Don’t stress, this is normal and does not mean you will be conscripted immediately - the year wait still applies.

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Yeah i started the naturalization process a week ago. I am now waiting for my certificate of nationality to arrive in May or June in order to apply TARC later on.


I was told at my HHR office that they will do that for me and call me when that is ready to go and exchange my APRC with TARC with them directly. no need to go to the NIA.

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