Taiwanese food sucks!

I think I’m closing this thread for a bit now to let my appetite recover.

I haven’t had dinner yet, and I don’t want to eat too late.


I don’t think anyone eats that on a regular basis. Isn’t it mostly just for tourists to Tainan?

Like special occasions only? Anniversary dinner?

Or just on a dare?

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The Tainaners I know don’t eat it every day, but it’s a pretty regular night market “treat.”

I like coffin toast ever since I first tried it. Great name, too. ha.

Taiwanese food is “famous” across all of Asia.

To be honest it just tastes like Campbell’s canned soup inside a piece of deep fried bread


Much slimier and starchier.

So I’ve heard…

One complaint I have about taiwanese food is the use of so much canned corn. I really hate the stuff and they put it in everything. Probably complained about this on here before :joy: but I really really hate it


Have you had Campbell’s cream of mushroom? Pretty much the exact same in my opinion

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all about branding

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Hey, I’m trying to enjoy my life here… :sweat_smile:


Does Taiwanese food suck, or are people on forumosa just poor…


You’re on Forumosa :man_shrugging:


With food in Taiwan, you need to know what you are doing. Randomly eating stuff here will not lead to much joy.

And yes money matters. If my budget is around NT$200-400 per meal, I can eat very well in Taipei. I can snack around in the NT$50 range, but that’s basically starch and not a great long-term plan. A handful of honorable places do sell decent food in the NT$100-150 range. If I eat the ubiquitous cheap lunch boxes though . . . :face_vomiting:


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Because generally the food isn’t very good :joy:


The eateries out there are highly uneven.

You need to know what you are doing!


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Admittedly I’ve only been to Taipei 2 or 3 times as a tourist, but IMO Taiwanese food is overrated and nothing to write home about. Give me Japanese, Cantonese and South East Asian (Thai, Indonesian, Malaysian) food anytime.

Edit: Dong Yi Pork Chop is good though.


Spend 2 days walking around Tainan.