Taiwan's Digital COVID Vaccine Certificate (數位新冠病毒健康證明) [TO BE DISCONTINUED AT THE END OF MAY 2023]

Hi, just a quick tip for those who recently received their New Taiwanese ID and are heading to their District Public Health Center (衛生所)to merge their new ID with the one that is already in the system. After they help you upload the number of vaccines from your yellow card to the system, let them know that vaccine batch number should be uploaded as well, otherwise you won’t be able to download your Digital Covid Vaccine Certificate. Also your Old ID should be eliminated from system or it will show duplicates.

They missed this step for me, and after i made a handful of calls and 2 trips to their office they realized the vaccine batch number was missing on my New ID.


Taiwan will start offering on Thursday a new format of its digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate, which can be used in countries including the United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said Wednesday.

The website https://dvc.mohw.gov.tw/vapa/apply/Index.init.ctr?openExternalBrowser=1 has been updated - now both versions (EU and SMART) can be downloaded separately.


And this is new too

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An update on Taiwan’s Digital COVID vaccine certificate system, which expanded to include not just an EU version but also a US/Canada/Japan/Australia option, accessible here:


As the emergency winds down, this platform will—with some minor exceptions—stop working at the end of May. If for whatever reason you want proof of vaccination, it’d be a good idea to download it now.



What a difference a year makes.

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Already got my EU covid certificate converted from my HK one, couldn’t be bothered to convert it to tw one since never actually used it, got asked only at the gym when I signed up and just showed them the digital HK certificate since written in Chinese

A post was merged into an existing topic: Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports