Taiwan's Digital COVID Vaccine Certificate (數位新冠病毒健康證明) [TO BE DISCONTINUED AT THE END OF MAY 2023]

Thank you!, I was wondering if Google Pay did the same thing and it turns out they do. It’s a simple process. After you open it just hit save to phone.

On Google Pay it shows both my Chinese and English name. A lot of the descriptions for things are in Chinese though.

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This is new! Originally it was not there and I found no way to add it.
This time worked like a charm and now I do not need a dedicated app.

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I just downloaded the DVC onto my phone (as a pdf), with a link on the home screen, and if asked (I haven’t been yet) to show it anywhere, I will show them that.

Mine appears as:

    "fn" : "Smith John",
    "gn" : "",
    "fnt" : "Smith<John",
    "gnt" : ""

The Malaysian MySafeTravel site does not accept the QR code and comes up with this error:

Unable to verify

  • Name of traveller does not match name on certificate. Please update your traveller details with the correct traveller name or ensure that the uploaded health certificate is updated with the correct name.

However the CovidPass App reads everything correctly. On the CDC site it says EU-DDC format. So what is the solution here?

Maybe a case of the Malaysian App not being EU compliant, whereas the Taiwan certificate is, likewise the Covidpass App.

Would that mean the Malaysian app is unable to decipher the European issued QR codes? Or could be a problem with foreign names on the Taiwan end? Different people seem to be having different experiences with the certificate’s QR codes.

I have no idea, my gut feeling though is that it’s the Malaysian App that is the problem and possibly is not designed for EU compliant Certificates.

If you are worried about someone outside of Taiwan wanting to see your certificate, just download the Taiwan issued Certificate to your phone as a PDF and link it to the Home Screen. Then when asked, just open it and show.

Mind you, having had mine since the day after getting the Booster shot in January, I have only been asked once, and even that was to load the Certificate into the Australian Digital Passenger Declaration so that I could be allowed to travel. I have never been asked to show it otherwise, and its use is already declining in many countries.

Who should you contact to correct the way they input your name and issue you a new cerificate so that it can be verified by other countries? I just tried it with Singapore SafeTravel portal. It’s unable to verify. It’s definitely something to do with the Taiwan’s digital certificate. The way the QR code is encoded with your name.

On the Cov-pass App that’s on my phone, the first screen shows the QR Code with my Chinese Name. But click on “Display Certificates” and the screen that is then displayed shows both my Chinese and English Names, as well as a heap of other details. A separate app, used by the places that need to read the QR Code then would display other details that they need to see. I gather that what those QR Code scanners use is rather different to what us plebs can use with what scanners we may have on our phones.

An update to the Taiwan Social Distancing App on my phone just came though (not that it is of any use where I am currently), and I noticed that it can now store my Taiwan Vaccination Certificate, so I scanned it in, and voila, its there to see with both Chinese and English names on it.


Does your English name have a dash between each name? Mine does


Oh well, it’s an improvement over just Chinese I guess

When I first downloaded my certificate (was before the Booster shot that I had on 18 January) and then uploaded it to the German Cov-pass app, it only showed the Chinese Name. There was, I think, some conversation about that early on in this thread, but a few days later some change at the CDC/NHI end resulted in the next one that I downloaded the day after my Booster shot showing both. So, if you haven’t downloaded your Certificate in the past few months, maybe download again and see what gives.

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Actually my downloadable certificate does have both English and Chinese names, but when I add it to my Apple wallet it only shows Chinese name.

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Maybe its Apple then.

Probably. Because it looks like they just took the first name a available and used that, and it doesn’t take people with multiple names into consideration.


I just downloaded my certificate again but it has a different Unique Identifier. Everything else the same!

Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that Taiwan’s Digital COVID-19 Certificate website will add a feature displaying an applicant’s national identification number on his or her certificate and be updated to a new version at 8 a.m. on May 10, 2022.

Ooh let me try it!