Tealit.com - The OTHER Taiwan website

Here’s another tealit anomaly. I have been trying to place an ad on their “Looking for Teachers” board for 3 weeks. Because we are not an official school, they wouldn’t accept our copy. So, we gave them the official school paperwork (we DBA a number of entities). Still no answer. I call them daily to check on the disposition of our ad. No one can answer me. They tell me they will look into it and get back to me. They don’t. This has been going on for 2 weeks now.

The unfortunate thing of it is, regardless of how we feel about their “professionalism”, they are still the best resource for “classifieds”. I advertised my apartment here and got 2 or 3 bites over a week period. I advertised it there and got about 15 hits in 2 days, one of which paid off. When I was recruiting teachers for a small kindy last year, I would get 5 or 10 rezzies a day.

Tis most unfortunate.

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