Tech workers who flocked to Taiwan’s Covid-free haven are now fleeing

On the other hand, there is some truth to what she said about most 2nd gen not being able to read chinese. I don’t know if 99% is the correct percentage, but I think she is saying that as a way of expressing “majority”.


I wasn’t too sympathetic with the Twitter post at the beginning of this thread that seemed to look down on people “with no prior connection,” but it would make sense for a page dedicated to Overseas Community Affairs to have other language options.


I think it is not a bad idea that OCAC uses Hokkien and Hakka in addition to Mandarin on there Facebook.


If you mean Americans who’ve been staying in Taiwan for many years but still need to pay significant US taxes and spend weeks every year filing US taxes, yeah I think they deserve vaccines flown in. For citizens of every other country, no they don’t deserve that privilege since they’ve severed tax ties.


I hope you do exaggerate.
If not please hire a professional to declare your taxes.

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Not exaggerating, and very few CPAs in the states can file CFCs, GILTI tax, and the dozens of other corporate reporting tax forms required. It can take a month to file yourself, or several weeks to collect the data and file with a CPA. In Taiwan there’s very few CPAs that can help you with US foreign corporate reporting obligations for your Taiwan company. A US CPA wouldn’t really be able to help you with this, you have to find a cross border CPA licensed in both countries and then pay them ridiculous consulting prices.

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If you don’t like it, move back to the US? Once you leave the US don’t expect them to help you out. Or, fly there for a vaxation?

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So apparently she’s not some lazy ABT who hasn’t made an effort. And she’s not the only one making interesting observations.

IMO TW seems pretty good at talking the talk but not walking the walk. On one hand, TW wants more recognition and inclusion internationally, and one of the best ways to do that would be to build closer relationships with Taiwanese diaspora and foreigners who are from countries where democracy isn’t a dirty word.

But on the other hand, TW has a strong xenophobic side that makes it hard for ABTs and foreigners to really feel welcomed.

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I feel badly for ABTs who aren’t exactly welcome in the US, Canada, EU or in Taiwan (except when their services are needed). They’re geopolitical orphans.

What banks in other countries hires foreign workers (non-citizens)?

All the ABTs I know feel extremely welcome in the U.S.


Perhaps but there are many more that dont as evidenced by rising anti-Asian hate crimes in US and other western countries.

@JohnTN seemed to be making a general statement about ABTs not being welcome in the U.S., so I provided a counterpoint. The ABTs I know are all highly successful and happy with their lives there. They’d get a good laugh out of being called “geopolitical orphans.”


We are very well integrated.

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That’s just a recent thing. We’ve been here en masse since the 80s.

A separate point. Were you guys (Taiwanese Americans) able to get a separate category on the census form—or are you still lumped in with “Chinese Americans”?


Happened again-- this time on Vancouver island where the wider family lives. A homeless person approached her (stepdaughter and Tw-CDN joint national) and told her to go back to China.

If I had been there, I would have told the homeless person that such medical students and future professionals pay for the social safety net that such white trash does not deserve. And that if I had my way, such homeless leeches would would be required to do workfare making joss sticks (as in jails in China) rather than insult more diverse Canadians.

The White Trash/Tim Horton regular demographic is really starting to annoy me in the Canadian context. Fuck 'em.


Have to say this is what made a part, not all, of my wife’s experience with Canada depressing. Luckily, I have normal acquaintances who outnumber the cnuts.

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As do I. But this has not been an isolated incident. Has happened to her a few times in Nanaimo and Vancouver where she works in pharmacies while getting her doctorate. Has not happened to my stepson who just finished engineering school. Maybe a gender thing, but shit, it is not the Canada I know. Without the diversity of Asia, BC would be a backwater. Sadly, the whole residential school thing is also highlighting how intolerant Canadians have been for decades.

None of this has been experienced by my wife and biracial kid in the South of France. Much more welcoming, cultured and tolerant at all class levels.

My family has lived in Alberta and BC for generations, so I can out Cowboy the nativists (while having lived most of my life in Asia, Australasia, and Europe), but am quite disappointed with this rise in racism against Asians in Canada, including family members.


There is nothing about that that i disagree with. Only to point out calling them homeless as the reason he is a fucking moron is on the same page as calling your people Chinese because the chinese governmet caused this worlds pandemic. Same shit different smell. I prefer calling people racists, idiots, morons, ignorant etctype terms because that describes the individual. I try my best not to generalize based on things like homeless, white, black, first nations, american etc unless its joking. But we all slip sometimes. The idea is we can comment on gernalizations easily, but on a one on one fight, bringing up race, gender, class, nationality etc is the first step in losing your moral high ground.

In the end, yes fuck him. And whats ironic is its highly likely going to be Chinese fentanyl that kills that douche bag. So he may not be totally wrong about hating china haha. Just isnt educated enough to refine that hatred towards the CCP as well as the numerous canadians enabling them and profiting from them. Educting them on the fact your people are taiwanese and the leader in ccp virus combat would plant a seed he can go meditate one with a crack pipe.

Sorry, meth pipe.