Terrible Taiwanese Teachers

So my wife shows me this video last night. Some kid in a math class flips out, yells at the teacher, then kicks and hits him.

The teacher imho is inept, has zero de-escalation skills, mocks the kids, and then, shockingly, allows other students to take the kid to the ground.

The kid gets back up and leaves, then kicks the door open then leaves and kicks the door open a few more times.

NO ONE comes to help. No security, hall monitors, nothing. As someone who has been through this kind of situation and worse, I am most concerned with the safety of the other kids in the classroom.

This is a big failure for the teacher and school administrators. Huge problem. When a kid is melting down, don’t antagonize him, ffs. :person_facepalming:



It’s quite sad how all the commenters are praising the teacher


If a kid is assaulting you wouldn’t you allow the other kids who are in the immediate vicinity to step in and pin him down?


For what??

No. Why endanger those kids? If the kid has a problem with the teacher and it is becoming violent, walk out of the class and make sure the kid follows you. Then tell the kids inside to close and lock the door, and call the main office.

IDK if they even have lock down drills in Taiwan. They should. Only takes one kid in crisis to stab a dozen other kids.

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And how do you suggest one should make sure the kids follows you?

Walk to the door, tell him we can talk about this outside, keep his focus on you. I’ve done this --easily-- a dozen times myself. Talk and walk with me.

But really, the entire incident could have been better handled at the beginning. If the kid is melting down, write him a pass, tell him he can go get a drink a water and take a few breaths. There are a hundred steps between, “I’m mad” and “I’m going to hit the teacher.”


Writing a kid a hall pass and telling them to get a drink of water…really? Is that what you’ve done here for kids melting down? Somehow I don’t think this kid would have responded to these suggestions. I’ve been teaching here for years (elementary, junior/senior, and university) and have never heard of “hall passes” being handed out.

Context is everything. We don’t know what happened before this video and what this kid’s mental state is. I teach in a high school and there are a number of kids who have underlying mental health problems that are not being addressed for various reasons. Add to that being in school from 7/8 AM until anywhere from 5 to 8:30 PM, masses amounts of homework, daily tests and you’ve got yourself a recipe for a meltdown. Of course there’s also the coddling of boys culture of that allows them to get away with behaving like an ass without any serious repercussions.


Yes, you should be able to see something like this coming.

You don’t have bathroom passes?

Exactly. But we do know how it ended. With his classmates jumping on him.

I would be concerned with how he will respond when he comes back from his two week suspension. To the teacher and towards the students.

These are valid concerns, but ones that can’t really effectively be addressed in the classroom.

I saw zero evidence of relationship building between the teacher with this kid or any of the others.

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Let’s take it outside. That’s old school teaching at its finest. Our teachers used to say "Come to the locker room for a “Talk”. It seemed to be very effective.

A child like that needs to be expelled not just suspended. I have no sympathy for a kid that dishes it out and gets it back tbh

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Yup , good kids. I could do that myself of course but a less physical able teacher , well yeah I agree. Those are obviously kids that have been brought up well. Protect the weak.

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I’ve said that in the past. And then when I was in the hall with the kid, I let him know immediately we were going to talk, but first I was going to listen.

Two reasons: removed the volatile situation from the classroom, and be within sight of hall monitors and admin that patrol the halls.

I would never put my hands on a kid, but I did remind them of teacher’s “rules of engagement.” Once touched, we could protect ourselves. Sometimes that meant walking away, sometimes it meant a hand in the chest and creating space. That said, it’s not something you say to a kid already in crisis. It’s something you front load.

A kid like that needs help. A teacher, a good one at any rate, would think of ways to build a relationship. I had good relationships with the worst kids, because one day, I figured I’d need them to listen to me in a very stressful situation. I wasn’t wrong. :expressionless:

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If he touched me he’d get help all right. People with that level of anger issues need to be in special classes with professionals trained to deal with that. A random teacher doesn’t need to be assaulted

And hopefully you’d get fired, well if you hurt him or her.

Nope not once you get assaulted. Plus it would be worth it

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I disagree. A child who viciously assaults another teacher needs severe punishment. If the teacher provoked it then the teacher needs retraining , suspension etc. The child should be removed immediately. You are a teacher not a psychiatrist or police officer. The other children also see his behavior . Expulsion and special needs teaching. I’ve zero tolerance for physical attacks on teachers.


Oh this clip is everywhere now. Someone told me the Kid has emotional disorder. He said that his family made a deal with the school that he can do anything in the class but not disturb the class and the teacher said " you already disturbed me because you are sitting in the first line"

Student got angry and said “Sitting in front line is not my choice” and then he start attacking the teacher.

IDK how true it is. A taiwanese teacher shared it with me


Ok. Seems to me that context is important, but I’d also like to point out that JD has recently retired from a much more combative school system than Taiwan where they have regular training and discussion on these types of things. Worth it for everyone to slow down and learn a thing or two

If there needs to be a discussion about who is the best teacher on the forum… it’s me :nerd_face:


If the teacher egged him on from the hop than yes that context is important for sure.

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