Terror in Paris

So far, 11 killed and 6 injured during armed attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

The magazine is known for publishing cartoons about Mohammed, so we know which direction this is going in …
Two heavily armed men reportedly entered the offices, the 11 dead include journalists and 2 police officers. The murderers drove off in a black Seat. President Hollande is at the scene.

Just read the news. This is so terrible. As an Asian it’s probably not my position to comment on all these but I guess it’s understandable why the Europeans are furious with their lax immigration law.

Btw the latest update is 10 injured.

Religious fanaticism kills again. :frowning:

That’s a ridiculous statement. This is a police and intelligence issue not an immigration one.

That’s a ridiculous statement. This is a police and intelligence issue not an immigration one.[/quote]
Yeah, but look at ALL the comments flowing around… “When is europe going to wake up? Islam belongs to the middle east.” “oh, it’s too far gone now. Go check out the UK, go check out Sweden. They welcomed these people with open arms…now there’s no going back.” “There will be pockets of Sharia law in Britain within 5 years.” “Islam and Muslims are like cancer, they won’t disappear if you don’t fight them. Although not all Muslims are like this, but they still by far don’t outweigh the negative their comrades bring with them. And why would they want to leave? Not many want to go back to the shitholes they or their parents came from. Far more comfortable to live off of welfare than work.”

It’s very unfair to the Muslims, but general public is just easy to be led to that way, that’s what I meant by “understandable”. Anti-Islam sentiment is gonna rife in France after this, and it’s gonna spread to everywhere else in Europe(not that it wasn’t there before this tragedy…).

That’s a ridiculous statement. This is a police and intelligence issue not an immigration one.[/quote]

Spot on. Watching this on the news now in blighty, frightening stuff.

If Muslims truly want to be successful in shutting down media they don’t like they simply need to become as powerful as the Chinese and the west will gladly censor itself. Amateurs.

Those comments you read online are based in bigotry and ignorance. It assumes that the people who immigrate to a country are criminals, while the people who supposedly “belong” to the country are incapable of wrongdoing.

Truth is, very few immigrants and Muslim are criminals, yet there also exist plenty of (for want of a better term) “natives” who are criminals. The problem isn’t immigration. The problem is criminals. Putting a stop to immigration won’t stop the criminal element that already exists inside a country.

TBH, it’s not easy to avoid to talk about inmigration, because it is problem related to inmigration. To certain type of inmigration that comes with their “traditions”, and that do not respect local traidtions or even local law. And it is also related to the difficulty to deal with the situation without being flagged as xenophobic and racist.

Not all muslims support this shit. Now, there are supporters of this kind of acts that have no problem saying so, and I mean no problem at all. Not every motherfucker from the stone age is put in jail or sent back to his shithole of origin.

Part of immigrating to a country is that you agree to abide by local law. The problem is with people who don’t abide by local law. We call them criminals.

[quote=“Chris”]Those comments you read online are based in bigotry and ignorance. It assumes that the people who immigrate to a country are criminals, while the people who supposedly “belong” to the country are incapable of wrongdoing.

Truth is, very few immigrants and Muslim are criminals, yet there also exist plenty of (for want of a better term) “natives” who are criminals. The problem isn’t immigration. The problem is criminals. Putting a stop to immigration won’t stop the criminal element that already exists inside a country.[/quote]
I know that.
But I suppose those comments didn’t stop there? Anti-immigration far right is rising in Europe, I guess it’s safe to say that they are just unhappy with it. Islamic immigrants are just easy targets even though the majority of them are as pacifist as everyone else.

By the way the latest data is 12 dead.

Yeah, but if you receive a lot of inmigrants famous for having a “culture” that is nothing to do with human rights, and they have no interest in that whatsoever, you have a problem for which your current law can not make much. Special situations require special measures. In this case I’m speaking about restrictive inmigration law, for making sure that you don’t host barbarians and terrorists. And no, I’m not saying to just discriminate by race or nationality. I dno’t have anything against races or nationalities. I have a problem with subhuman cultures.

The fact is that there are mainly problems with muslims not with other religions. Problems with immigrants from the Middle East and neighbouring countries, not with others.

You mean like Chinese?

I found this elsewhere: “It’s not all muslims, but it’s always a muslim!”

You mean like Chinese?[/quote]
No, way worse than Chinese inmigrants and Chinese culture. The proof is that usually Chinese inmigrant do not preach hate against their host culture in their temples, nor set bombs or shit like that.

You mean like Chinese?[/quote]
Plus the vast majority of those immigrants are coming to Western democratic countries because of the freedoms and rights they don’t enjoy at home.

You mean like Chinese?[/quote]
No, way worse than Chinese inmigrants and Chinese culture. The proof is that usually Chinese inmigrant do not preach hate against their host culture in their temples, nor set bombs or shit like that.[/quote]

Lol. No they are part of a regime that is cowing the west into silence and self-censorship. Islam hasn’t a chance at doing that. People are focusing on the wrong threat.

I agree radical Islam is a problem. But it is a minor one the west can handle. Their ideology is repellent and so limited even among Muslims in its appeal and their capacity to organize and poise a true threat to the west is non-existent.

I found this elsewhere: “It’s not all muslims, but it’s always a muslim!”[/quote]

I think Russia is a bigger threat to European security than Islam.