Terror in Paris

That’s a ridiculous statement. This is a police and intelligence issue not an immigration one.[/quote]

Without Middle-Eastern immigration there would be no such terrorist attacks. Plain and simple. Just keep these animals out of Europe and let them stone their daughters to death and hang homosexuals in their own countries.

[quote=“Mucha Man”][quote=“Mucha Man”][quote=“jesus80”]

You mean like Chinese?[/quote]
No, way worse than Chinese inmigrants and Chinese culture. The proof is that usually Chinese inmigrant do not preach hate against their host culture in their temples, nor set bombs or shit like that.[/quote]

Lol. No they are part of a regime that is cowing the west into silence and self-censorship. Islam hasn’t a chance at doing that. People are focusing on the wrong threat. [/quote]

I dare you to say that into the face of the relatives of the victims of today’s attack in Paris. See how they react to your opinion that Chinese immigrants are more dangerous for Europe than Islam. Would you please stop spitting on the dignity of the victims?

When was the last time a Chinese immigrant perpetrated a terrorist attack in Europe for political or religious reasons?

[quote=“Mucha Man”]
Lol. No they are part of a regime that is cowing the west into silence and self-censorship. Islam hasn’t a chance at doing that. People are focusing on the wrong threat.
Oh, I thought we were speaking about inmigrants. Because as inmigrants, Chinese are not much of a threat/hassle in any country, which is why I say that muslims are a bigger problem. As for the Chinese Government and culture, yes I’m all against their slavery policies, their lack of (real/effective) policies on pollution, and manyn other things, and I do think that the international community should do something about it. But please don’t mix topics because otherwise arguments became unnecessarily complex.

I agree radical Islam is a problem. But it is a minor one the west can handle. Their ideology is repellent and so limited even among Muslims in its appeal and their capacity to organize and poise a true threat to the west is non-existent.[/quote]
It’s minor as long as you consider these acts minor problems. And well, if you have more and more of these retarded subhumans in your country, it is a problem. They watch that others obbey God’s law, you know. And they can even vote. And the receive public money for preaching their retardedness.

Can you ellaborate on this?

Right, because as we all know, terrorists cannot travel.

For every Muslim who commits a terrorist act, there are probably hundreds of thousands of completely innocent, law-abiding Muslims who think along the lines of, “Oh no! Now the powers that be will end up making our lives more difficult, and we’re in greater danger of being attacked by some crazy nationalist.”

Yeah. There are. Who says otherwise anyway? The problem is that many of them say “Oh no, now things are giong to get harder for me” instead of “Oh no, look what these barbarians have done!”

Right, because as we all know, terrorists cannot travel.[/quote]

If attacks in Europe were perpetrated in the same fashion as in North America, i.e. group of Saudi men enter the United States for flight training I’d agree with you.

Attacks in Europe have been perpetrated by second or third generation Muslim immigrants who have unlike Vietnamese or Chinese immigrants not integrated into society but rather hate Europe. Except for welfare checks of course.

Mucha Man doesn’t have much love for the Chinese GOVERNMENT, granted. Neither do I. But he has zero problem whatsoever with Chinese people.

[color=#004000]Posters will kindly be reminded to focus on the subject at hand, instead of making zealous generalisations about a particular region, religion, culture, or people.[/color]


[quote=“TheGingerMan”][color=#004000]Posters will kindly be reminded to focus on the subject at hand, instead of making zealous generalisations about a particular region, religion, culture, or people.[/color]


But… what if some people here think that there’s a relation between certain terrorists and certain cultures? can we state it or it’s also falls into “zealous generalisations about a particular region, religion, culture, or people”?

[quote=“jesus80”][quote=“TheGingerMan”][color=#004000]Posters will kindly be reminded to focus on the subject at hand, instead of making zealous generalisations about a particular region, religion, culture, or people.[/color]


But… what if some people here think that there’s a relation between certain terrorists and certain cultures? can we state it or it’s also falls into “zealous generalisations about a particular region, religion, culture, or people”?[/quote]
Facts are facts and can’t be denied.

I know not all Muslims are like this but WOW. Those twitts made my jaw drop. Like seriously. :astonished:

Mucha Man man just wrote that Chinese immigrants are a part of a regime. As if all Chinese were in support of the government in Beijing. As if all Chinese who immigrate to other countries were on some sort of mission. Sounds rather sinophobic to me.

But let’s stick with this argument. Should be safe to say then that all Muslims in Europe are in the service of a barbaric cult that hangs homosexuals and stones rape victims.

Truth is, very few immigrants and Muslim are criminals. [/quote]

You are wrong.

Around 80% of the inmate population in France is Muslim.

Immigration isn’t the problem. The real problem is the flow of muslim immigrants. They do not mix with other cultures.

France should dramatically lower its influx of Muslim immigrants and instead welcome other populations (Eastern European, South American or non Muslim Asians.)

france has been welcoming immigration with open arms for decades without any issues and only since its Muslim population started to rise so much (about 10% of the total population), that they are now facing so many issues. Give it another 50 years and Muslim will be the majority and you can say good bye to C’est la vie

^It’s not just a problem of France, it’s a problem all over Europe, almost every European country receives many immigrants from North Africa/the Middle East annually. It’s probably even worse in Sweden.


I know not all Muslims are like this but WOW. Those twitts made my jaw drop. Like seriously. :astonished:[/quote]
As I said before, yeah, sure many muslims will now whine about how difficult things can get for them after this. But just a few will complain about their colleagues’ attacks. Most likely the contrary.

God bless europe!

Seriously, how can European leaders didn’t think that accepting so many Muslim will lead to major issues?

Even the fourth generation of a Muslim immigrant will never be fully integrated…

I understand their birth rate is low but replacing their population by a muslim’s one is going to end badly…

Soon we will have an Islamist political party there… Or is it already the case?!

Truth is, very few immigrants and Muslim are criminals. [/quote]

You are wrong.

Around 80% of the inmate population in France is Muslim.[/quote]

How is Chris wrong? Frances prison population is around 60- 70,000. And since France does not keep race stats the number of Muslims in prison is a guess. Researchets suggest 50% rising to 70% in urban areas.

So let’s say 50,000 Muslims are in jail. Out of an estimated 5 million this means 1%.

So again, how is Chris wrong?

Muzha Man man just wrote that Chinese immigrants are a part of a regime. As if all Chinese were in support of the government in Beijing. As if all Chinese who immigrate to other countries were on some sort of mission. Sounds rather sinophobic to me.

But let’s stick with this argument. Should be safe to say then that all Muslims in Europe are in the service of a barbaric cult that hangs homosexuals and stones rape victims.[/quote]

If it pleases you to write nonsense because I crush you in every debate we have then go ahead.

washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co … 02857.html

No official rate for the reason you mentioned but it is strongly suggested that 60~70% of inmates are Muslims.

It has to open your eyes a little on muslim being a serious issue.