Terror in Paris

yes, sure, those things happen too, but they are not connected nor carried out with a common purpose. Jihadism conducted by Muslim fanatics and wanna-bes does have a common purpose. Big difference.[/quote]

That’s right… Those things do happen every day and affect people everyday so why is the media pumping out non stop fear porn of isis in the USA this and Islamists that when they haven’t so much as left a burning bag of dog shit on someone’s front door step in 14 years? This is nothing but a psyops to distract and to justify US spending on wars that are making the politicians with a common purpose filthy fucking rich off the blood and suffering of others.


So in 14 yrs since 911 there has been 1 terror attack by Islamic extremists in which people died. Well then, I guess Homeland security and the vigilant people of the good ol US of A have got those extremists thinking twice about fucking with the greatest country in the the world, huh?

Here is another statistic you can be proud of.

washingtonsblog.com/2014/08/ … orist.html

I wonder what the statisics are for muslims vs non muslims blowing up government buildings, school shootings, gang related deaths, drug related deaths,rapes , armed robberies are?[/quote]

Why would I be proud of that, you realize Im not American, right? It’s pretty easy to see the blog you keep linking to is using the statistics in a way to minimize the threat from a jihadist. It’s easy to do, the last 10 years in the US have seen less deaths at the hands of terrorists, than the city of Baltimore has in the last month.

The concern I think is looking forward, the potential of individuals who have joined ISIS will return to the US and UK and what they will do. I agree scare mongering or whipping up anti Muslim sentiment isn’t helpful but then again if I were the US or UK authorities and suspected a person of being a sympathizer, I’m pretty sure putting them under surveillance would be a good idea.

Also, the title of the article you liked to is sensationalist as well “You’re Nine Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist”. No I am not, because Im fairly certain the vast majority of police shootings are justified against criminals. Unless you think the vast majority of police shootings are innocent civilians minding their own business.[/quote]

“Minimize the threat from a Jihadist?” Where do you live? Iraq?

Take away the killings by police that were justified and they would still be more that a threat of any jihadist terrorist threat. At least for now.

I am an Islamic sympathizer. Not of the militant variety but for the normal people who dress ,act , and have the same family values as anyone else and just wanna be fucking left alone but are instead labeled and harassed because of people’s fox news educations ,sheer ignorance and supremacist views. Im’ sure double digit IQs are also a factor. Hey,maybe there is some Jihadist group waiting in the wings for a signal from Allah but until the elusive bigfoot bin laden wannabes come out from the mountains, I call bullshit on this “Jihadist threat.”

Oh boy! This thread has been bumped, and the derp flows again! Say, are we still all Charlie Hebdo? Or Hebdo haters?

[quote=“Winston Smith”]
So go ahead. Express yourselves. Just take it out in the parking lot where it belongs. Jihadi versus jihadi.[/quote]

That’s really not fair to people who just want to park their damn cars in peace.

That’s right… Those things do happen every day and affect people everyday so why is the media pumping out non stop fear porn of isis in the USA this and Islamists that when they haven’t so much as left a burning bag of dog shit on someone’s front door step in 14 years? This is nothing but a psyops to distract and to justify US spending on wars that are making the politicians with a common purpose filthy fucking rich off the blood and suffering of others.[/quote]

In other words: The Tsarnaev brothers never existed. They were a media hoax. Fort Hood? never happened. And so on. And don’t even bring up those moon landings.

When people who talk like this call me crazy, that’s how I know I’m sane.

[quote=“rowland”]Oh boy! This thread has been bumped, and the derp flows again! Say, are we still all Charlie Hebdo? Or Hebdo haters?

[quote=“Winston Smith”]
So go ahead. Express yourselves. Just take it out in the parking lot where it belongs. Jihadi versus jihadi.[/quote]

That’s really not fair to people who just want to park their damn cars in peace.[/quote]

Charlie Hebdo blasphemed all religions equally so they had a legitimate claim to iconoclasm. Those who blaspheme only one religion while treating others like sacred cows aren’t free speech advocates. They’re sectarian extremists tossing gasoline on the fires of sectarian hatred.

I don’t get this position at all. Islam, like most major religions, has violent texts. The difference is that right now, at this point in history, they have a great number of followers who act on this religious violence. It’s not just ISIS, but look at Saudi Arabia as an entire country that beheads people in public squares because the Koran says so. Yes, yes, Christianity has violence in it too, but can you name a country that stones hookers based on the bible? Maybe Nigeria. Sam Harris has made the point that while all religions have violent texts, Islam has a very direct line between their texts, beliefs, and actions. So no, I don’t sympathize with people who subscribe to such beliefs. No doubt there are peaceful Muslims in many countries, but if you doubt that MANY Muslims support such violent jihadist ideas, polls don’t lie: thereligionofpeace.com/pages … -polls.htm

I see it has not escaped your notice that most of the people raising hell about ISIS are the most ignorant of right wing Christians and Jews. No doubt, they are a stupid lot and want to engage the rest of us in their holy wars. However, if you step back from all of it I think you will see that they are all cut from the same cloth. Religion is violent. It plays on people’s ignorance and asks them to believe stupid, silly things. I no more sympathize with Muslims than I do with those silly snake handlers in Louisiana, Sarah Palin or Josh Duggars. People have the right to believe whatever they want, but when people’s beliefs cross over into my own right to live is I choose (ie, we can kill you if you insult our prophet or…gasp!… DRAW him), it’s a problem. I have yet to see a religion that doesn’t play on human weakness and ignorance and desire, at some point in their history, to convert the rest of us through violence or control. Just because there are a significant number of people who can cherry pick the best of it doesn’t mean we should ignore the significant number who don’t cherry pick.

I don’t get this position at all. Islam, like most major religions, has violent texts. The difference is that right now, at this point in history, they have a great number of followers who act on this religious violence. It’s not just ISIS, but look at Saudi Arabia as an entire country that beheads people in public squares because the Koran says so. Yes, yes, Christianity has violence in it too, but can you name a country that stones hookers based on the bible? Maybe Nigeria. Sam Harris has made the point that while all religions have violent texts, Islam has a very direct line between their texts, beliefs, and actions. So no, I don’t sympathize with people who subscribe to such beliefs. No doubt there are peaceful Muslims in many countries, but if you doubt that MANY Muslims support such violent jihadist ideas, polls don’t lie: thereligionofpeace.com/pages … -polls.htm

I see it has not escaped your notice that most of the people raising hell about ISIS are the most ignorant of right wing Christians and Jews. No doubt, they are a stupid lot and want to engage the rest of us in their holy wars. However, if you step back from all of it I think you will see that they are all cut from the same cloth. Religion is violent. It plays on people’s ignorance and asks them to believe stupid, silly things. I no more sympathize with Muslims than I do with those silly snake handlers in Louisiana, Sarah Palin or Josh Duggars. People have the right to believe whatever they want, but when people’s beliefs cross over into my own right to live is I choose (ie, we can kill you if you insult our prophet or…gasp!… DRAW him), it’s a problem. I have yet to see a religion that doesn’t play on human weakness and ignorance and desire, at some point in their history, to convert the rest of us through violence or control. Just because there are a significant number of people who can cherry pick the best of it doesn’t mean we should ignore the significant number who don’t cherry pick.[/quote]

Many people are missing my point. I am not referring to ISIS or any other religious militant group in the M.E . I am advocating for the muslims living in North America ,some who have been here for generations , have intergrated into society and are being unfairly strereotyped, demonized and harassed. These people are not militants , if they did pose a threat surely they would have tried by now. There are no bombs going off in malls, or attacks on infrastructure of synagogues going up in flames. Fourteen yrs of the media pawning of their islamic fear porn and not much has really happened except a hand full of incidences ,a few which are questionable. Not too mention the many cases of FBI entrapment to bolster their image and justify spending. This has led many people who do not let others’ do their thinking for them ,question official narratives and rightly so.

I am not saying there is no danger of an attack but if that does happen ,my opinion would be ,what the fuck do you expect. But with the trillions that have been spent on “terrorism” and the NSA spying on every phone and computer ,surely they must have a handle on it.
Listen, we have turned the whole fucking ME into a war zone,killed millions, displaced 100’s of millions, supported militant groups to overthrow elected Govenments and destroyed their cultures. You wanna blame someone for this growing number of militant groups? Blame your own govt. You wanna whine about how your security is threatened ? Blame your own govt. You wanna blame someone for increased immigration? Blame your own govt because they caused it .

The problem in North America isn’t the muslims. It’s the gangs, it’s the drugs,it’s the flood of immigrants let in from the South to lower wages , it’s the education system, the medical system ,the corporate greed , a justice system that lets the rich walk and jails the poor ,it’s a banking system that is too big to jail ,it’s the media, it’s the fucking right wing , trigger happy ,profiteering politicians that you have elected . Now go have a kabob and think about that.

[quote=“agentsmith”]Many people are missing my point. I am not referring to ISIS or any other religious militant group in the M.E . I am advocating for the muslims living in North America ,some who have been here for generations , have intergrated into society and are being unfairly strereotyped, demonized and harassed. [/quote] But who here is arguing against that position? It’s a straw man. I’m certainly not in favor of singling out Muslims as a group for any social problems.

And the same could be said about the discrimination Muslims face. Outside of a few incidents, where is this overwhelming fear of Muslims outside, for example, small groups of religious nutters who gather to draw pictures of Mohammed?

So now you are concerned about overseas Muslims? I used to agree that we have inflamed the ME, but now I see that a fart in the wind inflames some people.

We’ve done our share, but did we really do that? There are so many sects in that part of the world that hate and want to kill each other. “We” have chosen sides only to discover there aren’t any good allies in that part of the world. Guess what? If all US forces left the ME tomorrow, the Shia, Sunni, Kurds, houthi, wahabis, and others would continue killing each other. I think you overestimate “our” role.

I agree we should get out of that mess, as it just hasn’t worked. The last 30 years or so has been nothing but a quagmire. But don’t think for a second that will change a thing. They all hate each other. They will continue to hate us because we are infidels. If you are truly only concerned about the small minority of assimilated Muslims in the US, I would say you have little to worry about.

And where is the arguing for it? It is quite obvious the media and other organizations are stereotyping these people. Let’s see the US invade a county like Italy and see how the Italians in N.A react. There would be protests and probably riots in many cities.

Tune into any mainstream channel, social media platform, christian website, online political site and you will have your answer. As if you didn’t know that already.

[quote]So now you are concerned about overseas Muslims? I used to agree that we have inflamed the ME, but now I see that a fart in the wind inflames some people.

I agree the militant Arabs are nutcases but again what does that have to do with the Muslims over here?

Well they don’t hate each other over here. I believe most of the hate belongs belongs to the “infidels.” I am outraged at times by the the injustices .lies and ignorant people here and at time I just wanna fucking strangle them and I’m not even a Muslim. Serriously I don’t know why more of them don’t snap. But don’t worry, Pam Keller and crew are working on that.

How horrible.


A knife, an airsoft gun and… what the mods will get out of joint over if I complete the thought.

What’s particularly sad is the daughter of the guy who made this a big issue wasn’t even in class on the day the teacher showed the cartoons. I can’t imagine choosing to live in a culture one despises, but others clearly think differently.


Maybe germany is starting to wise up to some people have views that are not compatible with the basics of German society.


The paradox of tolerance. I don’t think it’s possible to reconcile the differences. They’re too far apart with no middle ground for compromise.


A sign that France may be passing its own peak woke:

Such hateful bigotry.


Next Mike Pence will be forced to stay alone in a room with one.

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I’d love to be a fly on the wall…

Too little, too late. Same for France.

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The basics of German society. Does that means no comparing them to Nazis?

Begin the flamewar over what constitutes the basics of a society now. Me, I take the position that a society is a social construct anyway.