Terror in Paris

The free world and those who believe in human rights needs to stand behind France !

Stand against religious intolerance and fundamentalists.


The muslim world should be angry at the beheading.


They support violence against the ‘heathens’.

It’s a thin line between “I forgive you for your sins” and “I kill you for your sins”. A line of around 500 years.

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Very old testament vs new testament.
Worship our Imaginary God…Or else…He will kill you…Or we will kill you…To show our respect for the Killer Imaginary God !


A post was split to a new topic: From terror in Paris

And another one
Woman apparently beheaded in a knife attack in a church in Nice

Er… what??? can you post a link?

We have no idea of any motive at this point. But it looks like Islamist.

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Yeah, saw that. 3 dead for the moment, and some explosions were heard too.

Probably Buddhist monks upset about the stock market situation.


Hindus are making the west pay for eating so many cows.

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Atheists running amok again.

Protestants protesting .

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Allahu Akbar??? So it wasn’t the Buddhists?


It’s awfully similar to ah mi tuo fo, maybe they heard wrong.


Religion of peace at it again. I feel bad for the genuinely good Muslims in France who just want to live their lives, but as a community they have to confront their extremist elements and help to get it under control. Every week I see this kind of story, and France has enough on its plate with another huge Covid wave. They should bury this dickhead under the catacombs.


Admiral Akbar. He was a Star Wars fan.

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It always struck me as strange that the Muslim god apparently needs his human followers to do all his smiting for him. What a weak, helpless little god he must be. At least the Old Testament God did his own smiting. Romans 12:19 : “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”

I wonder if the current crop of politicians have got their approach wrong. Telling Muslims in France that they’re in a secular society now and they should jolly well get with the program doesn’t seem to be working. A bit of fire-and-brimstone from some religiously-inclined leader might do the trick: in other words, if you want to point out that these scumbags are not religious fanatics but nihilistic, godless heathens, you need to be preaching from the moral high ground yourself.