The 80's were the worst

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That came out in the 70s.

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The Cosby Show
A Different World

Rap music came along.
Reagan and the crack epidemic.

I hated as a kid, but now I’d give a day of my life to go back for a week.


The 90s was the best decade, grunge music, rock and indie music . Prosperity was spreading across the world including my homeland . We could start to tap into the internet and broaden our horizons but we weren’t completely overwhelmed by it yet.
The 80s had a lot of manufactured pop it wasn’t that great , there was a lot of cold war stuff, terrorism, economic depression . No way I would want to go back and live at that time again if I had a choice . 90s all the way.

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Asia was the golden dragon in 80s. And we had Jackie Chan, Li Gong, YunFat Chow, Sammo Hung, Jet Li and Teresa Tang.

America Wall Street was booming too.


I hated the music and so I went to older songs and eventually to blues and jazz. But I’m with Namahottie, I’d do anything to go back for a day. I had no worries, everything was paid for by my parents, and I would love to tell myself to wake the hell up and stop screwing around with my life!


:joy::joy::joy: and to think we were so ready to be grown, especially when parents told us to go to bed

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You are one sick fuck.

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Check out the first few comments. Now these guys are the real sick ones.

Pretty good chance some of those are my relatives…

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We built this city on rock and roll. Like with this awesome song.

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Mainstream 80s music realy sucked. There was some great underground stuff.

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