The "Argh!" Thread

It’s not a competition or a sign of power. If two people happen upon a exit/entry of a door, just be decent. Don’t push your way thru.


Wait – are we talking about the famous castle now? :thinking:


No. That one is spelled Aaargh


Are you sure? I thought it was Aaaaaaaargh. :thinking:


The sacreligious people who uploaded this video are calling it “Aauugh”


Yeah, and on the bike path, you ring your bell or shout and they ignore you.
Some times one or two will walk in the middle of the path oblivious to your presence. Their butts seemingly in sync the your movements so you can’t decide whether to pass on the left or the right.
Or just yesterday, four runners abreast heading towards me on the bike path thinking they own the path not giving me any ground as I tried to pass. No fear of being hit, argh!!


Two last road use arghs.
You’re on your scooter caught behind someone going so slow you wonder how they can still balance on their scooter and there’s no way to pass. Then you realize the real purpose of the first excercise of your road-test.
It’s a downpour. Those same people who could safely be riding at least 40KPH on a sunny day but choose to go 15 all of a sudden turn into speed demons.
They squint their eyes, put their hands in front of their eyes and go way faster than they ought to be.
I like to be out on the bike or scooter in all weather and there’s really no need for this
The worst part is these maniacs seem to lock on a crash course for you. From far in the distance I see a maniac scooter coming at me, leaning at a 45 degree angle, hand in front of his or her eyes tracking me as I dodged across the road. Argh!

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Open offices.

I am amazed at the low homicide rate is among folks who work in these environments.

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Some have high quality “white noise” machines. If you have those going all the time, and they suddenly stop, you may be amazed by all the sounds you’ve been missing.

Office is filled with them. And I still can hear the Chatty Chads/Cathy’s.

What I’ve learned is – married people love to talk. Single folks keep their heads down and work. Seems like the opposite would occur. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Hmm, my kilometrage may vary. :thinking:

Got to work super early so I could leave early. I’m determined to avoid all crowds today. Almost nobody on public transport so I’m feeling really good about this decision. I don’t sit in the train and mrt, and instead stand far from anybody. Almost home. Then while looking down at my phone, someone walks right in front of me in that small space between where I’m standing and the end of the platform where the trains pass. She just about brushes against me. Just inches away. Hasn’t she heard of social distancing? Arrrrgh!


OK, I’ll play.

This evening, I’m walking down the corridor of my apartment complex. A young woman about ten steps ahead of me opens the door to her flat. Does she walk in? No! She yanks down her mask, stands at the doorway, and starts chatting—sans mask—with her roommate or whoever is inside.

Put on your f&cking mask!



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That post. Argh! Have some perspective!

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Let’s see . . . An enclosed space, heaps of neighbours (it’s a large apartment complex), no mask, chatting away. . .

Sorry, that’s my argh!


Ha… BC (before Covid) there was a time that story would generate a different vibe…
She brushed up against me. I noticed her intoxicating perfume as she passed. She turns smiles says excuse me as she continued on her way…
Did she brush by me on purpose? Why. Doesn’t matter, I’m a family man argh…


Yes, every person (except family members) is a suspected vector now.

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That’s a big EFFING ARGH!!!
As a species we are communal. We can maintain precautions for quite some time but not having the closeness that we are used to is not sustainable.

This big crowded way of life is what Taiwan is all about and without the communal human contact it’s not worth living.


Are you in Yonghe or Zhonghe?

Just wondering.


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Me, no. I’m a hillbilly living in small town in rural Pingdong county. I don’t want to say exactly but I live in the 林邊,潮州, 南州 area.
We live in a modern row house but there are plenty of these houses in the area like to go bicycling

I miss my classes, my babysitting gig, the night markets, sharing tea and just generally being around people.

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