The Biden Presidency

They know how to put this commie socialist/immigrant/race card stuff on autopilot.

I saw this Matt Gaetz clip before the recent news came out. He was talking about how he believes everyone, regardless of race blah blah should have an equal chance to succeed.

Which would be great if he stopped there. But then he proceeded to tell the crowd it’s ok to be white, or something along those lines.

MLB = socialism (Biden directive :sweat_smile:)
Letting Cubans play in MLB = business with commies
Being white = persecution

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MLBs HQ is in NY with even stricter voting laws.

And in many of the stadiums, I have had to show my ID to get pass security.


This is completely irrelevant. The NY State voting laws have nothing to do with MLB’s business decisions. At all.

is it not?

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I think there’s a word for when the state directs private sector business decisions.

The GOP and RWers really are a pantomime of the CCP minus self awareness at this point.

To watch a game? Where? I’ve been to dozens of stadiums and never had to show id.


Baseball is boring AF. Always has been. There, I said it.


It can be. it’s also TWs national sport.

Boring or not, Paul’s tweet is idiotic. MLB doesn’t even do business with Cuba there are rules against it. All those players defected.

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Boring here too, and super corrupt.

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Now do NASCAR. Oh, right conservatives are pissed off at them, too. And the NFL. And the NBA. And the MSL. I think righties can still watch the NHL. Ya think it’s because they’re all controlled by the Woke Sports Federation, or is it that with computer games, other forms of entertainment, more sports to watch (or even play), people might be doing other things with their time?

Years ago I read an article in the Spectator lamenting the Good Old Days when the whole family would gather around the fire while father would read the latest chapter of Dickens etc. The author blamed the decline on those pernicious liberals- not the invention of movies, TV, record players, radios, telephones or even electric lights. I wondered at the time if this was sort of a test of conservative writers: to see if they would write absolutely anything, no matter how obviously inane, on command. I feel the same way about Andy Puzzler’s article…


Yeah but if you pay attention you can see a lot of star players come through there in international tourneys etc.

including the Cubans and Chinese :wink:

Don’t have an issue with Liberals, used to be more about powerful corporations who have politicians wrapped around their fingers and who used to be the ones people on the left (like Bernie Sanders did) would think about how their rich Billionaire types could contribute more and workers like those Wallmart types wouldn’t treat their workers so badly they get paid so low as to need Government assistance in the healthcare, which is paid by the rest of the population.

Instead they are more interested in turning every faction of society against each other. Not my thing, I’m sill interested in rights for the little guy, rights for people in general, accountability in Government, free and fair elections where everyone can easily participate.


Little guys in cages too? Little guys in elementary schools that want enhanced protection against AR-15s?

Betsy Devos, Roger Stone, Kush, Ivanka, Epstein couldn’t agree more

The voter fraud myth doesn’t help this at all, you know…

Wasn’t talking to you @McNulty, little guys in cages you are talking about border issues, since you ask “can’t we have open borders” there’s not much point discussing anything related to that with you.

Then you bring up guns, what’s the point of interjecting into every comment every person on this forum makes, you already know my opinion on guns.

Ok, sorry I’ll say it a little less indirectly than: It’s hard to take anyone that threw their weight behind Trump seriously when talking about rights for the little guy. You don’t voter suppress and talk about how you’re for the little guy.

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You can be direct as you like, I never touted Trump, I ended up on here pushing back against a lot of nonsense the media put out and continue to do so that some eat up everything they say as if it’s fact.

I have made it clear I am against voter suppression and gerrymandering. Many times. I even stated it clearly above.

You seem to be arguing against ideas and beliefs people don’t hold, they have told you many times what they believe and it just doesn’t seem to sink in does it?

Enough of my dose of @McNulty , need to pick up some vanilla essence for crepes for tomorrows breakfast with fruit, honey lemon and whipped cream.

Perhaps find someone else to butt into their conversation and misrepresent what they believe despite being told the opposite over and over again.


If you care about U.S. democracy stop floating the voter fraud lie that undermines the Democratic process in the U.S. You know, the one designed to help out the little guy. Can’t have it both ways.

Enjoy that whipped cream.

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Obama congratulates MLB for ‘taking a stand’ against Georgia election law as Trump calls for boycott (CNN)

Former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump have weighed in on Major League Baseball’s decision to move its All-Star Game out of Atlanta in response to Georgia’s new sweeping election law that imposes significant new obstacles to voting.

Obama on Saturday congratulated the league “for taking a stand on behalf of voting rights for all citizens,” following MLB’s Friday announcement. The Democrat’s tweeted support of the move struck a starkly different tone from his Republican successor’s statement late Friday that called for a boycott of baseball and all of the “woke companies that are interfering with Free and Fair Elections.”

Obama sounding like a real leader, Trump sounding like a petulant Child. From baseball to academia, the whining about woke never stops from them. Look how ridiculous they sound. Brian Kemp is a disgrace.

Good job, MLB.

The so called ‘resistance’ supporting corporatists (as usual).

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I specifically remember DC.