The Biden Presidency

They didn’t shit themselves when the US got bogged down in the war against Afghanistan or Iraq. If anything, the US was helping in the War against Terror (which was a war against Sunni extremism in Afghanistan).

if it ever comes down to a “boots on the ground” scenario to save millions of innocent lives, the Allied forces absolutely need this entry point. The US has already established itself in the area, the next option would be to roll in through Kyrg. or Kazakhstan but it would be like starting from scratch. Additionally, Afghanistan is a strategic wedge between China/Pakistan/Iran.

Nobody is going to send thousands of troops into Central Asia. China supports and does business with Iran (which is Shia). China and the US have also traditionally been allied with Pakistan. Pakistan, which is Sunni, and Iran (Shia) hate each other, and vie for influence in Afghanistan and Balochistan (eastern Iran). The Pakistanis don’t seem to give a crap about their fellow-religionists in China; they’re too busy meddling in Afghanistan and, especially, India.

As an individual of mixed-neanderthal heritage I am expecting reparations from Africa.


I was a bit upset about the acknowledgements of the Neanderthal heritage on behalf of the Cro-Magnons failing to mention the contributions of the Denisovians

I really appreciated it when Obama apologised to the dinosaurs for us mammals eating their eggs at the end of the Cretaceous.

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Truer words never spoken on unceded dinosaur territory

-So the “Biden taking your meat” story turns out to be fake
-the “Kerry reveals Israeli raids to Iran” turns out to be fake
-the “Kamala Harris book handed out to immigrants” turns out to be so fake that the reporter whose byline is on it quits because the NY Post ordered her to write the phoney story

A New York Post reporter who authored a story falsely claiming that migrant children were being given copies of Vice President Kamala Harris’ children’s book announced on Tuesday that she’d been “ordered” to write the “incorrect” story and resigned from the paper

But I’m sure the Hunter Biden story that was so bad that the reporter at the Post refused to attach their name to it will turn out to be totally true.


Hunter Biden? You would think those on the left would be wise to leave Hunter Biden alone, last I heard he was invited to be a guest speaker at some university on the topic of fake news. :rofl: Next up will be Harvey Weinstein to be a guest speaker on Hollywood and ethics surrounding casting in movies.

Edit/ this has to be fake news, it’s too good to be true.

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Saw a funny comment online, we’re basically back to tan suits and grey poupon.

It’s sad anyone would treat this like it was true just because of some passing comment an Iranian official made. Since when are we believing them?

The only ones who would know for sure are the intelligence community who if they knew when the remarks were made would know if the 200 attacks claimed was an accurate number and was classified intelligence. I wouldn’t hold my breath if it were true that the intelligence agencies would hold Bidens team to account, but if this were intelligence disclosed to Kerry, it probably was disclosed to others as well. The House Intelligence Committee for example. For example.

Sits on the HPSCI, or

Former DNI.

Edit/ One more

Also sits on the HPSCI

Even then, it wouldn’t mean any person in particular revealed it. From a link in The Hill, the Israelis have even said it themselves, interesting that this is the same figure he referred to actually.


I think there might be something but I’ll certainly wait until I know more before making judgment.

Kind of like the whole Russian bounty thing that turned out to be BS.

Right, this is how politics works now in the US and neither side is blameless obviously, but it’s still stupid and damaging. Hopefully we can get back on a more sensible track.

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Right, Kerry is saying he didn’t discuss such issues, Pompeo is calling for an investigation but in the leaked audio the Iranian doesn’t specify when this happened only he was surprised and he didn’t know about it.

Which means I think, Kerry denies it and that will be that, no way to prove anything. That article is from 2018, Pompeo was CIA head after beginning 2017 and I remember Kerry meeting up with the Iranians early on in Trumps administration.

Yeah, it’s not very specific information, and one would think the Iranians would not have imagined it was pink fairies who were attacking them. Hard to imagine why Kerry would say it, and no other context was given. Conveniently leaked audio. It smells strongly like disinformation.

Hard to imagine that after Obama was out and Trump was in that Kerry would be having meting with the Iranians, but he did that. Which is ironic because they targeted Mike Flynn under the auspices of the Logan Act.

Not that I think Kerry should be prosecuted for a Logan Act violation, I think he should be free to talk to whoever he wants to.

Anyway, this will boil down to a nothing burger, at most Kerry will need to answer some questions in front of some toothless committee where the participants try to create sound bites for the media.

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There oughtta be an investigation! :roll_eyes:

The whole story.

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No discussion on Biden’s address to joint session?

Can’t imagine anyone can reasonably complaining about him not having it together.

Also all cynical takes about both sides are the same needs to be tossed out.

Good speech. Inclusive. Credit all around, lots of big, consequential ideas and proposals, inviting (baiting?) Republicans to come to table and to bring their ideas.

Sounds expensive.

The good:
Ending war
Standing up to China

The bad:
Race baiting
Spending money like the Joker at a parade in Gotham
Massively expanded government will solve every problem that it has exacerbated over the years

The ugly:
Every polysyllabic word
Completely misunderstanding how taxes work
“It’s time to remember that we the people are the government.”


I just listened to a few minutes of it, but what I did hear was mostly very devisive.


Such as?