The Biden Presidency

Can we all agree that Biden’s presidency has been failure after failure? I don’t see how even his own supporters can defend the lame duck.

Trump must be cackling.


This Afghanistan fiasco is going to be remember through history as the Biden fiasco, although all previous admins have contributed to it. Side effects of having bipartisanship.
This, the crisis at the border, cutting oil production at home while giving the business to the Russians, crime rates skyrocketing, inflation, a budget not seen since WW2 and the list goes on in just 8 months. Meanwhile China is on the rise and the white house is focused on critical race theory. I feel so sad about all this.


Jake Tapper was interviewing Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, basically Tapper was asking how did this intelligence failure happen and if it could have been foreseen the Taliban would overrun the country why didn’t they evacuate personal before the troops left.

Blinken is basically answering that no one wanted to stay in Afghanistan any longer, which wasn’t the question, then adding that no one predicted that the Afghanistan forces they trained would put up little to no resistance.

Which firstly I doubt no one was telling them this wasn’t a possible scenario and even we believe him then that is some seriously bad reading of the situation, one which after 20 years of being in Afghanistan you would think they would have had a better read on the local politics.


Trump certainly is cackling- about how the Taliban wouldn’t dared to have taken control even after he declared a policy of withdrawing last January. They would have feared his awesome Trumpiness, or something.

I bet Orange Man is to blame for the cyberattacks that Biden is failing to act on. And the rise in gun crime. And the border getting swamped too.

Owange Man Bahhhddd

I suspect that W is going to basically get all the blame, and everyone else is going to be let off with an eh, there’s no good way outta there. We’ve been trying to get out for a decade, with continual delays, offensive actions to stabilize, new training initiatives, surge, new offensives, etc, etc, etc. It all just delayed the inevitable, but whether we left 5 years ago or 20 yrs from now, the result would have likely been the same. I suspect that’s why Biden just decided to no kidding pull out - probably regrets the Obama admin didn’t do it, given the continued lack of progress in Afghanistan,.so figured it was time to just rip the band-aid off.

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I still think that pulling out is a strategic blunder, the US should have mainted position for 100 years if they had to, until the CCP collapses - depending on how you look at it, its unreal that Biden would make such catastrophic failure so quickly considering he’s the “experienced” one. With that said, I am holding out to see if this is a head-fake in some way - some kind of massive destabilization technique in the region to hurt China’s multi-billion RMB investments in the middle-east and future plans for oil domination in the region. I think the “real” miscalculation is that China is close to the Taliban now and seeks to be allies (in reality China has been allies with the Taliban since the 90’s anyways). To that effect, I don’t know if the US destabilizing Afghanistan will have the negative impacts on China that they might have hoped for, in the end it might just accelerate China’s prospects.

If this fiasco of Biden’s really does accelerate China’s prospects, then he rightfully deserves to be called “Beijing Biden” and Taiwan should be very concerned that the US would allow a country to fall so easily.


I doubt they could have said “OK guys, we’ll be leaving in, uhh, how about we say six months! Just be nice until we get all our ducks in a row, thanks!”

There’s no reason to break down the reaction to this fiasco by political party. any human can see that this will embolden authoritarian regimes like China and Russia to make quick territorial gains.

Apples and oranges. I wonder if this could explain Biden’s somewhat aggressive signalling lately though.

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I don’t know, boil it down to results. Biden’s words and confidence have proven to be worthless in merely 48 hrs. This doesn’t bode well. The Biden administration needs a clear win now. They need to “call the pocket” and “make it in”, and they need to do it fast.

Meh, it’s happened before. Taiwan always needs to be concerned.

Would China pay attention to Biden’s signalling though?

He can’t even stop Russia from hacking US businesses. It’s a free-for-all because the lame duck president refuses to do anything.

Xi will be rubbing his honey-covered hands in glee as Biden continues to humilate America on the world stage.

He lost the war with the Taliban in 8 months. And has lost the cyber war with Russia. And all the while he spends more time talking about critical race theory and making sure Americans use the correct pronouns.

He’s making Trump look on par with Teddy Roosevelt in comparison.

Not necessarily, no. But I certainly don’t think they’re cackling with glee now thinking that the door is finally open.

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The door may not be open yet, but it’s certainly been unlocked and the security camera turned off.

Or to use a different metaphor.

It’s replaced the Trump Alsatian guard dog with a sausage dog.

I’ll just say I disagree with that assessment. For us, nothing has changed. Except things are more stable and predictable than with Trump.


Biden has shown that he can’t even defend America from hackers though. Or stop the Taliban from overwhelming Afghanistan.

And when he was Vice President, Putin invaded not one but TWO countries (Georgia and Ukraine).

Why would Xi think Biden would do anything if he decided to start a war with Taiwan?

Not a Trump supporter–he was awful in many ways. But at least he wasn’t spineless.

Because they all will. Biden is nothing if not establishment to his core. That line was drawn in the sand long, long ago. It’s a pretty important line.

Holy cow! This could have been avoided!

Biden is projecting failure:

Another refugee crisis awaits Europe thanks to US?

Ughh, this is all playing so well into CRIP’s (china, russia, iran, pakistan).


This is gonna go down as one of the biggest cock ups in US presidential history. And people are STILL defending Biden.

Eight months, and he’s already looking like the worst president in US history.

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