The Biden Presidency

Oh, this will be good… Give us some example of (reputable, mass) media calling him Fidel Sanders (and not something like a random opinion piece or some such)?

As for collusion, we’ve been through this - we know the Trump campaign tried to coordinate with Russia. We know that manafort was in contact with russian oligarchs and those with ties to russian intelligence. We know stone was in direct contact with assange regarding russian sourced emails. We know that u.s. intelligence says the Russians tried to interfere on Trump’s behalf. so tell me why 1) journalists shouldn’t be reporting on that, 2) why they shouldn’t need looking into collusion? Btw, we know those things from u.s. intelligence publicly released info, info from the Trump campaign itself, and info from the Republican led Senate intel committee, so if you’re going to dispute any of that, tell me what source you’re choosing to believe over those, and why we should believe it.

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Yes, he’s old and has symptoms of cognitive decline that are not uncommon in someone old. Doesn’t mean you want someone with cognitive issues running the world’s most powerful country.

The US presidency has become a Mad TV skit.


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Did you closely watch the debates? Biden was plenty articulate and showed strong command of the issues that were being discussed.

There is no evidence Biden is in a state of cognitive decline at all. He’s old and has old mannerisms, and he stutters. The rest is the usual name calling etc. One of those things people say over and over again and assume it’s true by repetition.

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There is plenty of footage of Biden in recent years. I posted two videos showing multiple examples and there are numerous others.

If you want to choose to ignore the very clear examples of cognitive decline because you watched him get interrupted by a boorish Trump for a couple of hours and thought he looked great, I’d suggest you’re motivated by your politics.

Sorry, I didn’t see those videos. If you care to share them please do. There are obviously no shortage of politically motivated videos portraying Biden as senile in RW media, as that was their go to trope throughout the campaign.

If you’ve got something from a credible source, test results, etc. by all means.

Scroll up.

Just because the Trump campaign latched on to Biden’s obvious cognitive decline and Trump is an asshole doesn’t mean there’s nothing to it. I’m no Trump supporter and very relieved he will be gone in a few days but that doesn’t mean I can’t look at a man in his late 70s forgetting words, using the wrong words, skipping words, slurring his speech and struggling to construct sentences and recognize that these are all clear signs of cognitive issues that are not uncommon in old people.


They’re also clear signs of people with speech impediments. You are assuming that is caused by cognitive decline.

What did you think of Biden’s take on the health care situation in the debates?


No, they’re not. Biden has a stutter.

When Biden became the candidate and I first saw videos pointing out his speech issues, I even asked a good friend who is a speech pathologist about this. She confirmed that while you can see examples of stuttering in Biden’s speech, a lot of his issues are not typically stuttering related.

Another thing you can do is go back and look at Biden’s speech over time. He was a prominent Senator for many years and the VP for 8, so there’s a lot of material available. He didn’t have these issues before. Forgetting words, using the wrong words, struggling to form coherent sentences, slurring speech, etc. are textbook signs of cognitive decline that aren’t uncommon in people Biden’s age.

It’s not an insult against the man. He’s old. Old people’s brains don’t function as effectively. And large numbers of them demonstrate cognitive decline that can manifest in issues with speech.

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Doesn’t mean he’s bad for the job, he’s still certainly an improvement! Maybe a little slow down in decision making is a good thing, as might be being less of a hot head in old age.


Nah, he’s just old. Heard him speak plenty. Clear as a bell. Can’t believe people are still going on about this to be honest, it’s been so totally proven wrong at this point that I have to wonder what’s going on with it.



Any human being can sound demented or senile in a 5 second snippet taken out of context. Especially a politician in a public speaking context. This is just silly, come on.


Anyone could pull a 5 second clip from anyone and make them look stupid



If you want to ignore the obvious signs of Biden’s cognitive decline, be my guest. This isn’t a “snippet taken out of context.” The dude’s brain farted, and it’s not the first time.

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I asked you once before–What did you think of Biden’s description of the US health care situation in the debates?

If you can remember a random verbal gaffe on Youtube, surely you can remember that.

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Ok, I will.


Sorry amigo, I’m not interested in playing political games. We were engaged in a discussion about Biden’s cognitive faculties. I have no interest in discussing Biden’s position on healthcare as articulated in a debate, or any of his political positions, because they’re irrelevant to this discussion.

The multitude of video clips showing Biden forgetting words, using incorrect words, struggling to construct sentences, slurring his speech, etc. speaks for itself given the man’s age. You can compare his speech today to his speech when he was a Senator and the VP to distinguish between his stutter and the very clear signs of cognitive decline.

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My point in asking is Biden’s speaking on the matter was quite well-reasoned and articulate in the debates. If you can’t remember that, but you can remember his gaffes, that to me suggests that there isn’t a good faith attempt to listen to his policies going on.

Again, you can take 3 second film clips of anyone doing anything and they can look stupid. For everyone talking about a media ‘agenda’, the harping on his cognitive abilities ruse smacks of one more than anything Biden has said, sorry.


Political game-playing confirmed. The fact that you are unwilling to consider the issue of Biden’s cognitive condition on its own, and must test anyone who questions it lest they harbor some political bias, speaks volumes about your political bias.

If you really care to, you can go through my comment history. You’d see that I’m not a Trump supporter nor am I a Biden supporter. I dislike politics, generally distrust politicians and try to focus my energy on ideas. The Democrats have good and bad ideas; the Republicans have good and bad ideas.

Like I said, you can watch the multitude of Biden clips for yourself. We’re not talking about a handful of 5 second clips “taken out of context”. We’re talking about a robust body of footage showing an old man forgetting words, using the wrong words, slurring his speech, struggling to put coherent sentences together, failing to finish his thoughts, etc.

Compare these clips to to Biden’s past speech. Talk to an expert. Research speech impediments versus speech manifestations of cognitive decline.

If you still conclude that people who have their full faculties exhibit these speech patterns, :+1:


I’ve considered it, and after carefully looking at all the evidence concluded it’s a bogus, cheap-- and frankly childish–political smear from his adversaries.

Feel free to disagree.
