The Biden Presidency

no, but


Because cancelling everyone’s degrees who ever supported Trump seems rational to you or spurned by the non stop media desire to make trump toxic?

No, it seems farcical to me.

It is, but it is notable that it is college kids who are doing it as they are notoriously within the institutional bubble, Trump supporters have long written off anything the media is saying which is why it doesn’t have an affect.

But then almost as funny is the same media outlets that are trying to push Trump is toxic run a story like this as if they are touting their success in doing so, without noting the irony that every one of those pushing to get Trump supporters degrees cancelled, probably despised him already.

like, Fox?

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Well, this one will be hard for you to agree with, but Fox is both Republican and establishment. Which is why folks like Paul Ryan are happy there.

The establishment politicians on both wings are very for corporations, Fox loves them corporations too, they’s the ones who pay the bills.

So, you get some of the talking heads will be for Trump, the organization as a whole hates him. Bad for business, just the way it is.

CNN on the other hand, left leaning and establishment, so just full out despise the guy.

Why would you say this? And would you say this is also an objective opinion?

And media. Ayways, are you saying that Fox has been pushing Biden since the democratic primaries and that anyone who doesn’t see this as objectively true is batshit crazy?

Since you mention them:

His denials that he would ban fracking are simply not credible. Even host George Stephanopoulos said “not everyone buys your denial.”

Since I don’t see how someone could look at this quote and objectively conclude that it is ramming Biden down people’s throats, does that make me batshit crazy as well?

Isn’t this a Biden thread?

Alright since you insist, Senate release final report on Biden and his sons peddling influence around the globe and it’s exactly what we thought. The Biden crime family indeed.

Oh c’mon Don Lemon broke down crying he was so happy Biden won.

To sum up, objectively, selective citing of the media does not prove that manipulation by the media (following after Dems saw Bernie was a shoe in) is the only sane explanation for Biden’s nomination.

Also, would you say that this is the objective Repulican’s Biden report?


I’ve watched loads of his speeches, he’s fine. He’s old, what do you expect.

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They were totally within their rights to drop out when it was clear Biden was the moderate candidate with the best shot. And I’m certainly very happy they did. Sanders had every opportunity to win after that point, but he didn’t.


Give him time. Like when he’s 82 at the end of his first term. It will be like trying to understand what Stephen Hawking was saying.

Get back when Biden starts musing about bleach treatment for pandemic viruses.

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So you’re not even going to explain your nonsense claim that they all dropped out at the same time and Bernie looked like a shoe-in?

If Bernie had won SC and super Tuesday, THEN he would have looked like a shoe in. But he didn’t, and NH and NV wasn’t going to carry the day against his super Tuesday butt whooping (by states - loss overall).

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Some of them dropped out earlier, but a load of them dropped out just in time for Super Tuesday (or Super Thursday as Biden would say), Gabbard was polling<1% (because she was kindly labeled a Russian operative), and Elizabeth Warren dropped out shortly after.

Non of that was organic, the media and Democrats certainly don’t always get what they want, Donald Trump is proof of that, but they constantly push for the outcomes they want.

They don’t just “tell” the news, they are always pushing agendas they should put up the polls on how many trust them, it would be as low as the polls on Congress itself.

I do wonder how much longer the ‘all election outcomes that displease me are fake or a result of nefarious media conniving’ act is going to continue once Biden is sworn in.

These constant allegations are meant to cause distrust of the U.S. political system. They are rooted in caustic cynicism, dishonesty, corrosive to public trust, and destructive to a robust democracy.

I’m glad the window for these types of disinformation seem to be closing.

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Don’t get me started on the BBC and the Guardian, absolute garbage.

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By “a load of them” dropped out just before super tues, you mean 3, one if which was Steyer, so 2 viable candidates. Warren dropped out after, after getting her butt kicked.

Your recollection doesn’t match reality.

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Yeah, 3 of them dropped out, or roughly half the remaining candidates and all endorsed Joe Biden. Plus the media started ragging on Bernie, as I recall he was being called Fidel Sanders which did wonders for any Cuban American support he may have had.

The media manipulates, when do you think they knew the Russia collusion baloney was rubbish? Right from the get go, that’s when.

I don’t think anyone is denying this

I think rubbish is too strong of a word, I think there was enough evidence of interference to deserve a closer look. As for the media, I don’t think they cared if it was rubbish, as long as it was good dirt. This happens on both sides.

But anyways, why are we talking about Russia collusion, isn’t this the Biden Presidency thread?

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