The Carrefour 2020 Thread

Carrefour to expand in Taiwan. Taking over Wellcome, Jasons.


Headed for a monopoly? That leaves PX Mart, RT Mart and CitySuper as the only competitors.

Poya 寶雅 (albeit hey have limited stock)

This clearly is a positive development. Carrefour has better beer!

I trust Carrefour

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While we’re at it, it’s pronounced car-FORE.

I just hope they don’t use this as an excuse to jack up prices.

Yep duopoly…Carrefour and PXMart.
It’s not great for consumers even if I think Carrefour markets are better than Wellcome.

I noticed carrefour rarely discount their foodstuffs. Lack of competition in that segment. Taiwan is their golden goose.


They slimmed down globally, except Taiwan.

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Really? I always thought it was carry-4.

So no more Jason’s? Wow!

Maybe they will rebrand it but keep the same style stores?

They have a few upmarket style stores , Carrefour market, which isn’t bad. But it’s no Jason’s either. Welcome itself was already a highly localised store.

There isn’t much that the big Carrefours offer that Jason’s doesn’t nowadays.

EDIT: wrong way round.


If this means Wellcome will start stocking Gordon’s gin, then I’m a fan.

Carrefour, is pronounced with the French R’s, and four is like well ‘oo’ in loot.

“The French letter r is one of the two most difficult sounds in French to pronounce for most people (u is the other one). The r is a kind of raspy sound pronounced in the back of the throat. There is no equivalent sound in English.”

Carrefour markets are like small PXMarts, Just a significantly pared down version of the main store.

The point isn’t the ambience, but the inventory. Jasons has a lot more imports and weird stuff-which probably explains why they are getting bought out and not the other way around – but that’s what I’m going to miss.

Time to go shopping!

Do any articles say an ETA on when the Jason’s will be obliterated?

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Expect some stores to close, especially places where any of the three of them are nearby each other.

Making it harder to shop.


… and 24h.