The Coffee Thread

James isn’t being transparent in that video, and the smirk he gives when he first mentions overly expensive rent is telling. He’s had to relocate his roastery because he couldn’t agree with the landlord on the lease. I’m not defending the landlord at all, but maybe James now knows what customers feel like when they have to buy a cup of coffee that his industry has hyped up the price of. It’s not so nice for him when the shoe is on the other foot.

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I didn’t get past “to do that, we are going to have to talk in generalities…”

Anyone who wants to know why some things are more expensive than they ought to be should just read Freakonomics…

And the investment, labor and rent are so cheap!

Quite a few of those margarine ‘cake bread’ bakeries turn over on my high street. Doubt there is much margin in it…

Was stuck waiting at Welcome supermarket so ordered black coffee.

Taste good and super cheap NT$15.


Wow that is really cheap.

All the supermarkets seem to have a cheap cup now.

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Go for it!

Yeah, I’ve seen the super cheap stuff at PX Mart too.



Back at an Ikari coffee shop only because nothing else was open with breakfast.

Coffee not great and really cannot stomach the breakfast. Managed to finish most of the eggs but the mystery meats and soggy potatoes are just not appealing.

Ikari one of my least favorite chains.


Enjoy it! With milk!

If you just like nice tasting coffee with no sugar and no milk and nothing else this Family Mart simple little plastic bottle is unexpectedly very nice. Not cheap at $55 but similar to or cheaper than going to a coffee shop. It’s only coffee so most people probably don’t want.



That’s ridiculous cheap! Only 55 NT$?

Yeah I don’t know this whole cheap or not cheap CP Taiwan thing is beyond me. I just throw it out there because cost always seems to be the most important consideration in Taiwan and can get a cup of coffee some places is 40 or less.

There is little grey can, cold brew coffee 30nt, I think is also nice.

$55 is not cheap by local standards.

For people that know their coffee it’s cheap.

Yeah, but they’ll just get a couple of cans of Mr. Brown.

Who drinks Mr.Brown? Cheapos!