The Coffee Thread

Best coffee I ever had … well, there were two memorable ones … was at a resort in Cancun twenty years ago. Second best was at a resort on Bali fifteen years ago.

Area you sure was the coffee, and not the influence from resort’s atmosphere?

Fify :smile:

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I’ve had some excellent coffee recently.

Ok I’ll take the bait. From where?

Definitely the coffee. The Mexico one was like smooth, dark, unsweetened chocolate and with a very long finish. The Bali one was similar, but with slightly shorter, slightly grainier finish (I never put anything in my coffee like cream or sugar).


This sounds nice. Reminds me of some that I had from Southeast of Brazil… :coffee: :relieved:

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Partial to African coffee myself.

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Lately I’m into nitro cold brew too. Smooth!

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I might be starting to like sitting in Family Mart or 7-11 with a nice view and better air conditioning than Starbucks and many other coffee shops.

And I like the Americano nothing-added 美式 coffee better than Starbucks.

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migrate down south.
the outlets are generally bigger in size

They are trying to get some of that coffee market.

You can stretch your legs!

James Hoffman is so overtly pro-industry it’s nauseating. Plus he’s displaying a Golden Raspberry-level of acting in that video. The coffee industry needs a new unofficial spokesperson if they want to communicate their situation properly to consumers.

An excellent coffee has it’s price as has an excellent wine or beer.

A cup of coffee is expensive because consumers are willing to pay that amount to drink it.

I think it’s beyond silly. In fact, I would prefer to drink a cup of Folgers and light a US$5 bill on fire. At least there’s some fun to be had watching as it burns.

It’s like people paying a zillion $ for many things. It’s what it’s worth to you, you pay.
It’s like salaries, companies pay what they can afford and what you’re worth, don’t complain.

He just says the rent is too expensive, at least in England. I share the video because before was a discussion here about why is expensive when the coffee is so cheap. I agree that consumers are willing to pay that, like the bread in Taipei, is incredibly expensive and yet so many people buying at that prices and is so cheap to make.

I make the coffee at home, not complains