The coming break up of Russia

Due to special request from a regular member of Forumosa, this videomancy analysis demonstrates the pre-announcement of the war:

Orphan (2009) |2| is an ‘orphan’ genre Hollywood movie with an ‘evil Russian child’ and ‘serial killer’ genre subplots psychological horror film.

Orphan: First Kill (2022) |2| serves as a prequel to the 2009 film Orphan.


The 2009 film was released 2 years before the start of the general offensive against what was left of the Soviet sphere of influence, known under the most infamous nom de guerre Operation 2011 Arab Spring, or 2011 Jasmin Revolution and as a remake of the infamous 1911 Xinhai Colour Revolution.

To this aim more than 30’000 European “takfiris” terrorists have been hurled into the Middle East, by emptying the European jails and shanty towns where these 3rd generation Muslims were surviving from petty crimes and social welfare.

Indeed, as their forefathers had been harvested by the truckloads in Africa back in the 1960s, to man all the menial jobs mainland native Europeans would no longer accept to do, the 2nd and 3rd generations of these populations were never assimilated into the civilian societies on purpose, only awaiting the coming Colour Revolutions to be unleashed as a new-type of Legion Etrangere.

This major NATO operation was intended to capture through Color Revolutions all Soviet assets that had survived as independent states after the end of the Cold War.

The most important ones being Syria and Libya. In a second wave, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldavia would follow.

This offensive would ultimately culminate in the dissolution of the Russian Federation itself.

To warn the targeted NATO audience of foster parents to stop adopting children from Russia, the encrypted message was embedded in this tailor-made propaganda movie.

It is obvious that children adopted from Russia would be grown up adult of 20 to 30 years old by 2030, when the Russian Federation is finally dismantled. And these would most likely become fifth columnists in their foster countries.

Furthermore, the sequel movie was indeed conceived similar to a vaccine booster, to ensure a continuous maximum immunity against Russian influence among the Western masses.

It is apparent that the orphan’s impersonation is a parallel to the real world impersonation in the media and politics of U.S. and European identities by the Russian intelligence services.

Therefore the sequel is no longer a warning against adoption of Russian children but a warning against Russian mediatic impersonators.

Planned in 2020 just 2 years before the final act of NATO’s military push eastward, and timely released soon after the start of the full scale war with Russia in 2022.
