The COVID humbug thread (2021 edition)

‘Long covid’ is appearing more and more as part of the narrative.
No doubt SPI-B has said push it out to persuade the young to take the jabs as ‘death’ is not taken seriously by them.

The SPI-B! My favorite SAGE subgroup.

Some studies have suggested that Long COVID may be caused by reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV, which causes glandular fever) and thus a potential cause of long COVID symptoms.

In any case, Long COVID really doesn’t have any widely accepted definition. Apparently there are nearly 50 different symptoms associated with Long Covid and some surveys have identified more than 100.

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Undoubtedly. The “idiots” were just barely smart enough to understand that they were being lied to (how dare they!), so another scary monster had to be produced from the closet.

Add the variants to the picture, and the fear level is back where it needs to be to keep the plebs in line. I’m pretty sure Greek letters were introduced to identify different virus lines (question - is this even valid, since there must surely be millions of identifiably-different mutations?) because Greek letters are cool and scary. It’s the feckin Delta Variant kids, the Special Forces of COVID viruses, kills you stone dead at sixty paces in ten seconds.

That’s the problem. I suspect there are a few unique sequelae of COVID infection, plus some nonspecific ones that are just “postviral syndrome”. I doubt that the symptoms are as wide-ranging as the reports suggest.

Incidentally: isn’t it funny how these dozens of vague symptoms are assumed to be definitely associated with COVID, while unpleasant events that occur after vaccination cannot possibly have anything to do with the vaccination?


In line with the Greek alphabet approach, it’s safe to assume that after Long COVID, there would be Unsigned Long COVID and Long Long COVID.

With short and unsigned short COVID being deprecated, of course.

No, just catching up.

So apparently the Democratic National Committee is partnering with Verizon and other cellphone service providers to create a unionized-$15-an-hour-army (American wages, smh) to “fact-check” text messages being sent between individuals for “spreading false information about the vaccines”. Meaning, they’re going to be reading all of your text messages to make sure you’re not telling your Aunt Mary that the vaccine might not be safe (and to warn her that you’re probably a white-supremacist extremist homophobe if you do). That’s not totalitarian AT ALL, is it?

Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages.

Funny, they’re so concerned that Trump supporters aren’t getting vaccinated. I guess after the vaccine sterilizes everyone who took it, they don’t want to be out-bred by the religious loonies. Should’ve thought of that before trying to kill off 95% of the population, Klaus!

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Well, Biden always did strike me as a “nanny knows best” type, so it’s not really surprising. And to be fair the NSA have probably been monitoring people’s texts for years :slight_smile:

I suspect they won’t do it. Western politicians have already figured out that all they need to do is threaten draconian measures and people will comply. The fact that they’re threatening something completely illegal goes over the heads of the great unwashed (or unvaxxed).

Have you noticed it’s absolutely de rigueur to mention the word ‘Trump’ in any COVID propaganda piece?

Tell you what though, $15 an hour is better than you can get in China for the same work, innit.

More farce.
I wonder who paid for this?

Also in the UK, the fascists/commies introduced mandatory vax for care home workers and those that would go into the homes to work like hairdressers and plumbers.
It was an ‘emergency’ vote and barely reported in the partizan media.
Cancer has killed more in one day that this thing allegedly killed in 40 days combined…

And the Yellow Vests are thankfully coming back after another fascist/commie announced mandatory vaxes for care home workers in France,

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If that video is real, it’s hilarious.

“Like, wot u doin’?” :rofl:

Churchill is a real company, they do have various kinds of cleaning services, and they do have lots of government contracts (partly because of their size and reach, and partly, no doubt, because some of their management have close links with politicians). Even so, it’s so hard to tell how much of this is propaganda or counter-propaganda or counter-counter-propaganda. The whole world has gone completely mad.

But it’s still funny :slight_smile:

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Probably taking a picture for the boss to prove they cleaned it.

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Presumably, yes.

I’m just wondering where they got that ridiculous ‘PPE’ from. It looks like it was cobbled together from some stuff they found in Argos and car boot sales.


Readers may have noticed that free will is being followed (mostly) at all times during this macabre pantomime. The way to negotiate your way through the COVID maze is “No thanks, Sir”. Some may know this as the Bartleby defense.

Outside COVID, Satan defends himself in court thusly:

  • No one forced you to smoke.
  • No one forced you to eat all those deep fried chicken wings.
  • No one forced you to stop growing you own food and live in our cities.
  • No one forced you to sign up for the army.
  • No one forced you to use our fiat notes.

Yadda yadda.

I don’t particularly like this legalistic inhuman approach, but it is how He gets away with it, bless his cotton socks. Free will is violated occasionally on Pleasure Island, but not half as much as we would like to tell ourselves.

The Satanic COVID defense may go something like:

  • No one forced you to take those vaccines. We told you in writing there were dangerous side-effects.
  • You could have got an exemption form for your employer.
  • No one forced you to send your kids to our schools, you could have got them home-schooled.
  • No one forced you to use the MRT, you can drive (this one in particular has affected me).
  • No one forced you to use a plane.
  • No one forced you to go to the supermarket. You could’ve gone to the greengrocers, you silly toffs.

Now; Before people start hurling bottles at me, I’m just analysing how these guys think and act. I’ve been personally affected by COVID. I’m not sitting up here sneering on me high horse. My Sister lost her job at the airport. Her husband is furloughed (isn’t that a horse racing term?). My parents are both vaxxed. My parents were always against vaccines when I was a child. I got the “mandatory” ones… BTW, they are NOT MANDATORY. It’s all smoke and mirrors, tards. We had a Sikh at school who never took the BCG. He got a form. he was a good guy, as are most Sikhs.

My TW income has been slashed by 70 to 80%. So yes, I’ve been affected directly.

With this long bullet pointed list, I wish to point out some positives. You can get through this maze by politely declining most of Dystopia Island’s offers. For this is what they are, gentle readers, offers of slavery. You may decline the offer to contract at any time.

Kids being held down? Yes, that is awful. Just don’t send them to school. I don’t wish to be facile or smug. I’m just being as pragmatic as I can. There are ALWAYS exit routes if you research hard enough. Those COVID nose tests are deliberately set up to intimidate people into not flying. They are seeing what they can get away with. I bet you can get a spit or cough test if you just gut up and ask.

This is NWO on easy mode. it could be worse.

Keep respectfully declining.

Just Say No, Zammo.

If you think hard, most of this is the gubmint threatening things that never really happen. On the ground, approximately 40% of the population follow the COVID script. But even they are kind of half hearted about it. Do you think they enjoy having to hawk this cruddy narrative to people they love? The TW ones are not into it. It’s only Whitey McWesterner who is vehement about it.

Diplomacy and withdrawl of attention is the way out of here, IMO.

If you want to know what this world will look like if we shuffle into the COVID narrative? Watch a few Warm Bodies clips on Youtube. But that is probably 10, 15 20 years away. No need to panic.

I admire your chutzpah.

I don’t want or need the vaccine. And under different circumstances, especially if I was back in my home country and retired I would certainly opt out. But here, if I’m to continue to work, to not get the vaccine means I’d be very much on the outer - basically unemployable. I can’t afford to not be employed right now. The clients would be be up in (jabbed) arms, my coworkers would shame me, and when I’m ready to fly out I’d find I’m not allowed to go back to country of origin.

I don’t want to go through all that headache. So I’ll get their vax and hopefully get that great 5G reception.

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It’s a mirror image of this.

Just sayin’. :yin_yang:

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好久不見,很先生! :yum:

Do you recall the name of that film?

I suppose this is the thread for this sort of thing.

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It was a good text until this:

IIRC, Bartleby died in prison :slight_smile:

Nonviolent resistance has its place, but it only works under very limited circumstances:

  • When most of society is broadly sympathetic to your aims
  • When “the oppressor” is still a basically rational and decent human being, as opposed to a wild-eyed fanatic.

These two factors came together with impressive effect in, for example, postwar India. I doubt it would work in our COVID world, where a large fraction of the population relish their role as unofficial enforcers of The Rules, and virtually nobody is acting rationally.

You’re right, of course, that there’s always the option to not comply and take the consequences. I’ve mentioned in other conversations that poverty (in some countries) is a conscious act of protest. It’s a deliberate refusal to engage with the bargain-with-the-State that allows you (limited) access to what Hernando de Soto calls “the bell jar”; the hermetically-sealed society-within-society where things appear to work normally. The reality is that only those who built the bell jar actually benefit from it. The hangers-on end up with more stress than they bargained for as they attempt to comply with every little edict, and are alternately punished (arbitrarily) and thrown a few scraps from the table (arbitrarily) to keep them hooked.

For the vast majority, acceptance of poverty is a rational choice.

So yes, you can accept that, unvaxxed, you will be a pariah. You’ll be jobless, homeless, starving, and probably without any of the escape routes available in the Third World (where you can drop off the grid and be left alone). In States with sufficient economic power, what you get instead is Soviet Russia: it’s no trouble to arrest you and punish you, because the manpower and the money is there.

I don’t pretend that I can predict what’s going to happen here. But bear in mind that Russia was once the cultural and scientific centre of Europe. China was (at a few brief points in its history) culturally and economically superior to much of the world. And yet they fell; and they fell with such speed, to such depths, that nobody could have seen it coming, or seen how it would end up. Perhaps the madness will stop; the thing in Spain is encouraging. Or perhaps it’ll play out to its historically-normal conclusion, and although I’m trying not to worry about it, I think it would be as well to be prepared for the worst.

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Some very interesting points here:

the court said it would not accept lawsuits from people and businesses who want to sue the government because they lost money due to the lockdown.

So the government broke the most fundamental Law of the land, probably with mentes reae (no, I don’t believe they imposed lockdowns without first consulting the best lawyers available), but will face no repercussions for doing so.

a suit brought by the far-right political party Vox.

It’s a scary world when the “far right” are attempting to uphold Constitutional freedoms. To the extent that Vox has a coherent policy (I had to google this) they do indeed seem to be somewhat to the right of (say) UKIP, but probably a long way to the left of Francisco Franco.