The Death Thread

I just learned I only have months to live. This is what I want to say
I’ve been a journalist for more than 60 years. So after doctors delivered the news, I sat down to do what came naturally, if painfully: Write this story.

Very interesting article. I’m in a writing class with a woman who is in a similar boat. It’s fascinating to listen to someone “go through the process” in real time.

“Who will watch over my rose bushes?”

No one. No one as good as you were.


The purpose of this brief sliver of physical existence at the beginning of our eternal life is to freely choose who and where we want to be for eternity.

Every minute of this temporal physical exile we’re choosing between good and evil. Death of the body is only the closing out of that ledger and the beginning of our true, eternal life.

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LSD perhaps


I’m not so into duality.

And who says this is the beginning? Surely not the Buddhists.

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They can’t wait to escape re-incarnation.

No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.

Perhaps all we can experience in eternity is what we’ve experienced in life.

That’s the philosophy I use to prevent my inevitable death from causing despair. I’m quite happy with my list of experiences.


Does a mosquito have a purpose during its own sliver of existence? There is no “purpose” to our lives except what we ascribe to it. That purpose might be different for me than it is for you. Some long for kids and see purpose in a huge family, some hate kids and see it in fame and fortune, some see it in travel to as much of the globe as possible, or being a workaholic and achieving their career goals… different for everyone.


The purpose of life is to recreate, no? Fucking and feeding.

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I’d say that’s the purpose of evolution. Life is a human thing since we’re apparent the only ones aware of the passage of time.

Forgot shitting and sleeping if we’re getting to base instincts and needs. Yes, you could argue that’s our biological purpose, but in terms of a philosophical purpose there’s no universal answer. That’s why I find supposed answers to the “meaning of life” trite.

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Don’t go getting fancy ideas. You and me are sophisticated plants.

I like the notion that we are here to describe the universe to itself.

And I find that obnoxious due to its dismissive nature. I’m in a philosophy fb group and someone just asked that question. There were lots of answers that were essentially well meaning but clearly personal. I don’t think any were trite, they just show where they are atm.

My response was “Seneca did it for me. You need to find your key.”

There’s no right answer? Maybe. There are better answers though. I doubt any are trite.


Ah I’d rather not be the eyes and ears and mouth of god. I have shit to do!

Agreed, there is no universal answer. The meaning of life… personally I haven’t got an effing clue. Strawberries taste nice though. :blush:


Strawberries a la Adam?

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God is not in the quad, young man!

The schrooms I took say otherwise.

Ronald Knox sell you those?

That’s rich coming from you.

You’ve obviously never sat through a schmaltzy Hallmark movie.

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