The Don's Deleterious Monkey Wrench Thread

That’s exactly what this is all about, even the documentary 2000 mules is predicated on the fact that laws were not being abided by and how massive fraud was allowed free rein thereby.
No Democrat (or Republicans) acting as individuals or governors can change laws, especially election laws, at their whim. That’s very dangerous to put that much power in the hands of a political hack. Such individual making changes to the law single-handedly could then turn around and put the springs in motion to take advantage of such change. And that’s exactly how this stuff happens in the first place. People are awfully aware of this.

I’m guessing you’re not American? I’m saying this respectfully, trying to figure out where you’re coming from. But in Taiwan government, you don’t have federal system, where there are lower levels of government, such as each state with its own legislature and executive officers, so that might be where you’re missing my point.

Well, no, as I said, the courts chose to not get involved, to punt the ball, all those Trump court cases are exactly about this issue, and it never got heard, coz the courts knew they would be forced to recognize the logic and force of law, which would end up reversing the election, and they just didn’t want to go there.

So MAGA people are preparing for next time, they’ll be watching Democrats like a hawk, as they always should. That was their fault to begin with, you never trust your opponent is going to be civil and honest in any time in history, you have to be skeptical and always watching over their shoulder when it comes to elections. Once-fooled shame on you, but by golly, twice fooled shame on me.

Surely you’re aware most Americans don’t agree with you on this?

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I yam. 100%. White too. And a Republican.

Anything else you need to know?

Listen, you can think and write whatever you want. Unless you start naming actual books you’ve read about this though, I doubt I will shift my level of engagement with you on this particular issue. Books go through vigorous editing and fact checking before printing. Opinion pieces? Not so much.

I Don’t base my view on optics or ah ha! moments.

Ok, I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.

Books are not necessary. It’s just government 101. We all know how it’s supposed to work. If we can’t agree on the basics of how American government works, that’s why we couldn’t go further to have a rational discussion from that framework. I suppose you could disagree that government doesn’t operate that way, or shouldn’t operate that way, but that’s a different discussion.

Sure. You keep thinking that. Trumps AG said the election steal noise was bullshit. I believe him. And? Get this, just ordered his book

What states were those?

If you cant trust an ex CIA spook who has been in the wheels of Government his entire life, who can you trust, hmm?

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I also just read the former head lawyer for the CIA’s memoir. They are so paranoid about being caught doing something not legal they seem dull.

So yep. I do trust Barr. He served under HWBush, the last great statesman. Cut his teeth on Reagan, was there to see governmental abuse close up with the Iran/Contra switcheroo, as well as the S&L fiasco. Yep. I do trust him. Some people walk the walk. He walked with Trump and defended the indefensible man against all the left wing smears and scandals you write garrulously aboot.

What’s not to like? :idunno:

Not about liking or not liking the man. Elections are for the people and need to be designed in a way that are transparent and easily verifiable, it’s not hard to do, if you are saying “I believe Barr” your elections have a problem. You shouldn’t need to say you believe in anyone.

Yeah, I’d rather live with the adult obligation to check and verify. If you were talking about surgeons, I guess I’d agree with you. But, ALL government officials? It’s a big country and the gubmint pork barrel hive extends near and far. I don’t know all them bees, so I don’t blindly trust them all to prioritize my personal, individual welfare. To think I shouldn’t HAVE to in some Duloc is political navel gazing, I think. So, I don’t do it.

We the people, should not be looking to Government for solutions to our elections. They belong to us.

As it stands, the way the elections have been designed in the US, they have more holes than swiss cheese.

You can decide if the holes are a feature or a flaw. But, if I was a citizen of the US or participant in any vote which my vote mattered, I would insist it was done fairly and transparently. That’s all.

You’re not really out on a limb there, you know. :idunno:

I’m surprised they’re still obsessed and afraid he’ll win another term. I think we need someone younger than Trump. Dems are making Trump relevant and them producing a video and not working on other timely issues isn’t going to help them.


Yep. If they really and fairly received 81 million votes, then they wouldn’t be worried about any other election and could coast for years on Dem after Dem presidents.

Dems have had no visible or tangible support that comes close to what Trump had and continues to have.

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I’d say he’s relevant already. He’s small time though, mostly House positions, but I could be offbase on that.

In the vein of yesterday’s election fraud discussion, I present former lawyer, Rudi Crash Test Dummy:

The Office of Disciplinary Counsel, the disciplinary branch of the District of Columbia Bar, filed the charges against the former federal prosecutor and New York mayor alleging that he promoted unsubstantiated voter fraud claims in Pennsylvania. The action was filed June 6 and became public Friday.

At issue are claims Giuliani made in supporting a Trump campaign lawsuit seeking to overturn the election results in Pennsylvania. That suit, which sought to invalidate as many as 1.5 million mail-in ballots, was dismissed by courts.

The counsel’s office said Giuliani’s conduct violated Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct “in that he brought a proceeding and asserted issues therein without a non-frivolous basis in law and fact for doing so” and “that he engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.”

And lordy lord, Pence was in on it too!

“In general, there is strong evidence that state and local election officials committed numerous procedural violations that reduced transparency and/or favored Democrat candidates,” the memo states
“However, most allegations of substantive voter fraud — defined to mean the casting of illegal ballots in violation of prevailing election laws — are either relatively small in number, or cannot be verified.”
The memo states that lawyers were unable to verify Mr Trump’s claims that thousands of votes in Georgia were cast by underage or dead people.
And it also said it could not verify “statistic-based allegations” of voter fraud in Michigan, Nevada and Arizona.
Mr Trump brought a string of voter fraud lawsuits in battlegrounds across the country, all of which were rejected by judges.

Can’t be verified. I wonder why?


Trust your instincts

Some people’s entire careers will be spent trying to prosecute Trump.

Reminds me of William Jennens


Already 5 years in :rofl:

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