The Ekselent Thread About Ekselence Ice Cream

Picked up one of these at the 7-11 this afternoon, and my mind is blown. This was amazing! Creamy rich ice cream dipped into layers of chocolate and caramel. The last ice cream bar I had that was this decadent was a Dove Bar when I was in college, and at a US$ 5 back then in the 80’s it was a rare treat for me.

This one was smaller than a Dove Bar. But it’s here, and I won’t sweat the cost (whatever it was, it was WORTH IT!)

Over in Family Mart, I have been enjoying Pols ice cream - another brand from Latvia like the one above. Latvian ice cream wars in the convenience stores of Taiwan? I don’t get it, but I don’t mind


Weirdly specific title. That Dove bar from 35 years ago must’ve left quite the impression!

This looks good, I’ll try it. I miss the M&M ice cream cookie sandwiches that were around for a few months.


That looks extremely chocolaty, caramel, and delicious

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There was a Dove Bar cart parked on the sidewalk in the evenings outside my building. No way I could justify a luxury back then, and I walked by it at least once a day. One bite into this ice cream bar instantly took me back to those days. Weird/cool time machine experience for me

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Oops. My wife spent a good thirty minutes today figuring out how to pay a property tax bill online, to make sure I wouldn’t have to go to a 7-11 in our time of plague. Oh well. Now I’m going anyway.



Holy sh&t is this good!



Addendum: having just polished one of these things off, I would not recommend operating heavy machinery immediately afterward. That was intense!



Do you need a cigarette?


I think I need to lie down. :upside_down_face:



Finding slivers of joy in an otherwise grim spring of 2021 (continued)

I could not pass up the chance today to follow up on @Celeborn 's recommendations to try one of these “Pols” bars, which I found buried in the back of my local Family Mart ice cream freezer.

This Latvian rival is a far less assuming product than the Ekselence bar reviewed above, with simpler packaging and no claim to being “Est 1928.” What you get is straightforward classic goodness: vanilla with a chocolate layer, something like a good Meiji ice cream bar (the ones from Japan, not the second rate product made in Tainan currently sold at 7-11), Pols did not make me scream out loud but I would still rate this a solid product, something I’d be happy to try again.



Would you say better than the Haagen Dazs bars?

I would say that the Ekselence chocolate caramel concoction discussed above is like an uber Haagen Dazs bar, maybe the supreme ideal type of a Haagen Dazs bar. Given its power, though, I would not eat piles of these guys. One just about killed me! :rofl:

The Pol bar I tried today is nothing like Haagen Dazs. It’s more like everyday ice cream, done simply and well.


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I looked. Cannot find them in my 711s

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I had an Ekcelense yesterday. It tasted phenomenally good. A good balance of chocolate and caramel. The only “bad” thing I can say about it is, that it’s a bit too sweet. But I can strongly recommend trying it.


Which 711s you guys seeing it in? I don’t see any in Danshui

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Shengang got them. They’re in the shelf above the icebox.

It seems to have a double chocolate layering, with the salted caramel inserted between those layers, and with vanilla ice cream underneath.

The genius of this feat of ice cream engineering is difficult to overstate.



I keep meaning to look, but every time I’ve walked by a 7-11 lately I’ve seen a gathered QR-crowd and haven’t bothered. Maybe I should head out late tonight.

Damn you / praise you @Celeborn (secondary praise to hype guy @afterspivak). These ice cream bars (supposedly) of the gods have occupied a silly amount of my mental real estate over the past week.

Latvian ice cream is sometimes like that. :upside_down_face:


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Somebody showed me a gorgeous picture the other day, and now I can’t stop thinking about that lovely Latvian _________!

I wonder what percentage of people would end that sentence with “ice cream.”