The End of Western Civilization

Yes it’s hard to make arguments to Chinese about their government these days. A decade ago they were ready to listen and to be honest the educated class are not happy with the way things are going. They know the system is shit and the party are cunts and they are being censored. At the same time, they can see things have got so much better on a material and technology level, so feel some satisfaction.

The less educated all seem to be living in an organsmic brainwashed state of douyin cat videos. They are the ones who really really have seen things improve and don’t understand the situation elsewhere.

I’m talking about people In tier 1-3. A good 70% of China is just straight up shit and poor

A big reaspn for Japans entry in WWII was a resource grab, they thought the WEST was holding them back by preventing access to oil and raw materials.
Will China do such an obvious stealth rush grab ?

Probably not, they are much smarter using their state and corporate hybrid mix to buy up resources around the world. But I do think apart from Taiwan so kind of resource grab could be a trigger for future conflict.

The last one could be AI when it becomes smarter meaning access to supercomputing resources or chips etc . Those with the most intelligent computers to help crunch data quickly and accurately would surely rule the world ?

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A few years ago, was speaking to a deep tech VC in shenzhen connected to Tsinghua university.

One guy was a phd, Taiwanese, been in SZ for thirty years and was gushing over the governance of the city. Because of SZ position as an innovation hub, a lot of the leaders are young, smart , global and with a tech background. They consult academia and the private sector on policy and everything is done bottom up to keep shenzhen the most innovative place.

We don’t have this type of bottom up , academia led governance with our bloated systems. Shenzhen is different from the rest of China and isn’t representative of anything, because other cities don’t get this level of freedom from central government and are allowed to experiment.

But not everything is shit in China, there are things we can study and learn how to adopt into our systems without compromising values

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Yeah, I have always felt that America is like a bozo at college who crams the night before the final and squeaks by. We’re not all that exceptional, just very fortunate geographically.

They broadly copied that model from Ireland believe it or not. In Ireland all the tech companies have a direct line to government ministers. The VC part…that would be the US model I guess.

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I know the med tech hub connected to the university in Galway is impressive

It’s more academia though. Everything is really bottom up in sz, they are guiding the policy.

Well in Ireland we secretly created a special tax exemption for one company, Apple. Also we , like the Swiss, regularly determine policies by referendum and citizens forums.
Although we don’t have the resources of China we are very good at leveraging what we have.


Yes democracies can be as dynamic, just a bit harder. Just need to keep refining things and improving processes

Great comment.

Yes, it’s funny that China hasn’t even figured out how to escape the middle income trap and people are proclaiming that it has defeated the West without a shot being fired.

China’s kool-aid is strong but I’d still sooner drink the tap water in Flint.

China is better at stealing.

But the average mass market tech is still pretty shit and if you’re going to pay for good tech, you might as well just buy product from the countries with reputations for higher quality.

And if someone in the future asks why did the western civilization end, the simple answer will be “cheap goods”.

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Japan actually had the force projection capability to make a run at those resources. China doesn’t.

The fact that China is “buying” resources around the globe is irrelevant in a military conflict. You have to be able to defend those resources and get them to your shores and deployed forces.

If sustained, long-term access to resources was simply a function of negotiation and money, the US wouldn’t have much of a military presence in the Mideast, and certainly wouldn’t have spent trillions fighting wars there.

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The U.S. can’t do anything right anymore, including manufacturing semiconductors.

The company’s vaunted manufacturing technology is in crisis. Intel’s research factories in Hillsboro have suffered setbacks with its 14-nanometer, 10nm and now 7nm generations of production technology – problems that predated Swan becoming CEO.

Persistent defects delayed the introduction of each new class of microprocessor, enabling rivals ARM Holdings, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. and AMD to catch up – and, in some cases, surpass – Intel’s most advanced technology.

What are you really trying to achieve with things like this? You would be better off arguing with a Chinese nationalist trying to say China is the best in the world. Its the same type of logic I get from them. Everything has to be 100%, no blurred lines, no concessions, no understanding the other side. The US and China is more similar than want to admit.

China steals a lot of tech, yes this is true. They also innovate a lot and they also make some good stuff and its getting better.

Being able to see the blurred lines isnt a weakness. You dont have to fight for your “team” against the commies, we are just having a conversation.

Yep, in life expectancy it’s down at #59, while the US is way up at #46.

Biggest problem facing the US is the decades long assault on the enlightenment principles by the urbane and their degenerate bong buddies, helped along by soft living and a lack of noble masculinity.

With the decline of community institutions such as the local church or bowling alley, lonely minds reach in desperation for social fulfillment. Many pursue Wokism, not realizing that it’s even more fraudulent than the religions it’s replacing.


Somebody read Bowling Alone in America and spliced it with Proud Boy rhetoric.

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Looks like I hit a nerve.

China has stolen and continues to steal intellectual property at an unprecedented rate. We’re talking trillions of dollars of IP being stolen, and not just from the US but from Japan, Taiwan, etc.

IP theft is literally China’s modus operandi. It is embedded into the fabric of Chinese industry, and sanctioned and supported by the state for both monetary gain and military purposes.

It’s cool though. You’re free to continue exploring the good parts of IP theft, mass surveillance, concentration camps, ethnic cleansing, etc.

People were saying the same things about Japanese products in the 70s. Then the paradigm shifted, as Japan gained technological leadership in the late 80s.